How to make cashback site on wordpress and Rehub theme

What is cashback and how it works?
Cashback functions are usually available on different types of affiliate websites, deal sites and coupon sites. It’s option for your users to get some money back after their purchase. This motivates users to use your site instead of direct shop, because they can save additional money.
Technical side of cashback functions
We investigated near 20 most popular cashback sites and found that they have very similar functions and logic. Usually, they are based on point system. After each purchase, user can see available cashback points in their accounts. There are pending points (when user click on product link) and approved points (when user purchased product and affiliate network sent commission for you).
If you want to implement cashback functions on site you must have next things:
- Notices in your posts or products that this post has cashback option to take some user’s attention
- Store/Merchant pages with all available deals and coupons from this store and description of cashback values
- User’s profile page where user can see all pending and approved cashbacks and can request payment
- Tracking system
The last point is most important, because not all networks can provide cashback and sub ID tracking. It means, that you can make cashback site only if you use affiliate network which supports subID tracking
Also, theme doesn’t have inner tracking system for cashback, so, you can add points to users manually or you can buy plugin for cashback tracking
If you want to purchase plugin with discount, use coupon
We recommend to buy plugin because it will allow to make cashback sites more easy, has automatic tracking and integration with point system and many other functions.
Now, read next articles to configure each step of cashback site
How to add deals on site
There are many ways to add deals on site with Rehub. You can read this in our documentation
Affiliate settings of Rehub theme
Also, check our special step by step guide for affiliate posts
In my experience, buyers usually use Bulk import or Affiliate Egg autoblog to add deals. Affiliate Egg plugin has also support for Cashback tracker.
How to make Store (merchant) pages
There are two variant of Store pages which you can use on Site. You can use each of them separately or together.
First is Store page of theme.
Affiliate store page of theme

They are working for posts. You can enable them in Theme options – Affiliate – Enable Affiliate Store taxonomy for posts . You can also enable which Layout will be used on Store pages (List, Grid, Compact grid, etc) and taxonomy slug (it will be used in link, by default, it’s “dealstore”)
Once you enable this option, go to Settings – Permalinks and resave page.
Now, you can create Your stores

When you create Store, you can assign different information to Store: link, description, bottom description, Seo Title and Cashback Notice, Logo. We recommend to fill all fields, so, your page will have better look.
Then, in each of your post, you will find option to assign Post to Store (right panel in Post Edit Area)

You can also create page and place there archive of your shops. We have special shortcode with many different design styles, like grid, alphabetical grid, lists, etc (there is also Taxonomy Archive module in Elementor)

Information about Store archive shortcode
Store page of Cashback tracker plugin
The main difference from theme’s store page is that this page doesn’t have deals. It’s just like Content page and right part of page doesn’t show posts, so, you can add there anything what you want. Advantage of this page is that they can be created automatically (except content of page) and they have Comments.

You can read how to enable store pages in plugin in documentation
Configuration for cashback notices and deal layouts
Deal archive layout
First step – enable deal/coupon list or grid layout in Theme option – general – category layout and Theme option – general – Blog Layout. For better presentation of deals and coupons – Deal grid and Deal list is better, but if you want to have some cool community features like Hot Counter – use Lists.
If you build homepage with Elementor plugin, you can find Deal modules.

How to add Cashback notices to archives
Cashback notices is just simple piece of text that shows users that this deal has a cashback

It’s not very important part, but we recommend to use it because notices attract attention of users
You can add additional notice about Cashback (or any other notice) inside your posts. For this, add short text to this place when you create post (it’s right panel of post admin area)

This notice can be set for each post. Also, you can assign global notice for each shop (merchant). You can add cashback notice in your shop pages which we described above. If post doesn’t have inner cashback notice, it will use global notice from assigned store
By default, it’s simple text. Avoid to use long notices. Color of text can be set in Theme option – appearance – Secondary Color or via Customizer. You can also extend this text with icon. This is example of Money Icon code
.rh_custom_notice:before{font-rhicons;content: "\f645"; margin: 0 5px 0 0; font-weight:normal}
instead f645, add code of icon from RHIcon
Don’t remove \ symbol before code of icon
Post Inner Layout
Our theme has many Post Layouts. But best post layouts for deals and coupons are next:
If you need deal site and not coupons, you can also try Button in corner layout and Guten Auto Contents
You can read more info about Coupon Functions of theme and you can set default Post layout in theme option – general.
How to show Custom cashback notice in Post content
You can use next shortcode
[wpsm_custom_meta field="_notice_custom" type="custom"]
In one of code areas in theme option – ads and code areas to show value of cashback notice of post
How to add Subid to all affiliate links
Subid is most important step for cashback. We will need subid to detect user who clicked on your link and purchased something on external shop. For this purpose, most of affiliate networks use Sub id in link parameters. It’s special part of link, for example, subid=22. Without this parameter, you can’t track user’s purchases and you can’t give users any cashback.
So, to enable this function, go to Theme option – Affiliate – Cashback Options and enable option Add user name as sub ID to links
If you use Cashback tracker plugin, you don’t need to do anything else. Plugin automatically detects links from enabled networks and makes them with cashback tracking
If you use Content Egg and Affiliate Egg you can also enable integration for Cashback tracker
But what if you don’t use plugin? You can create own cashback tracking rules. For this, add your own url parameter to field below.
By default, we use subid= as parameter for subids. Please, make attention to symbol = in end. It’s common part to divide url parameter and value parameter. But it can be another in your network.
In some situations, you can use several networks on your site and subid part can be different. In this case, add subid with next syntax affid=
Settings above means: IF link has domain, theme will add myid=username in end of link. If link has, theme will add subid=username in end. For all other links, theme will add affid=username in link
Add each domain with custom different subid as separate line. Place domain of link in start and subid part in end and divide them by @
Place common subid on last line. It will be used if theme will not find domain for custom subid.
If you want to remove some domain from adding subid parameter, add them as
word exclude will mark such domain as excluded from adding of subid
Cashback Point System and Profile management
After setup of links and notices, it’s time to setup point system and Profiles. We will use it to show users how much cashback they can get and other important notices to user.
Profile setup is very easy – just install Buddypress . If you want to have only Profile system and don’t need any community functions, go to Settings – Buddypress and disable all modules except core modules.
Now, we will need a place where user can register. The simple way is from our special login Popup. Please, read our tutorial about login popup
How to enable Points for cashback
For point system – install Mycred plugin
If you use cashback Tracker plugin, you can enable integration with Mycred and plugin will create all required point system on site when you will get first order. You can also enable Demo module and click on Download orders so plugin will create test orders and points

If you don’t have Cashback tracker plugin, you must create custom points for Mycred
Go to Points – Settings – Point type and create Custom points for cashback. Once you save your new point type, you will have new option in admin panel for new point system where you can change labels, capabilities, etc. Here is example from our Redeal demo

How to show approved cashback points in User’s Profiles
There are few possible ways to show Cashback points in Profile. All of them are depending on different scenarios for your site. If you enabled Buddypress, cashback points will be visible in Profile in Left side panels. Also, points will be visible in User dropdown in header
Show Just Approved Cashback which will be main point type for users
Use this way if you don’t need other point system and reputation points on site. So, cashback points will be main points on your site.
For this, copy meta key of cashback points type and add it to Theme option – Affiliate – Cashback options – Set key of Mycred points for cashback
In example above, key is cbtrkr_approved_usd
This will add next part to profile

Only users who are owner of profile can see this block with their available cashback points.
Show approved Cashback Points and Regular User points
Use this way if you want to show both points: regular and Cashback points.
For this, add cashback point key to Theme option – Affiliate – Cashback options – Set key of Mycred points for cashback
And add your regular Point key in Theme option – Buddypress Option – MyCred option – Show custom point type instead default
Show approved, pending, declined cashbacks and Regular User Points
Difference between Regular points and Cashback points is that Regular points will be visible for all users, guests. Cashback points are visible only for owner of Profile
Use this if you want to have next

For this, fill approved, pending and declined fields in Theme option – Affiliate – Cashback options. If you use Cashback tracker plugin (or any other for points), you can find all keys for your points in Point – Settings – Point Types

If you want to show just cashback block and hide regular point block, don’t add custom point to Theme option – Buddypress option, so, only regular cashback points will be visible
How to show Cashback History and levels
Mycred plugin has several shortcode which you can use for User profiles. Most useful is
And again, there are few possible scenarios how to show Point History on site.
Show History inside Buddypress Profile
You can insert mycred shortcode (or any other) in Theme option – Buddypress option – Add custom message or html in profile of User
Here is example of simple shortcode which will show History for Cashback
[mycred_history type=cbtrkr_pending_usd user_id=current]
You must also add own point type to shortcode. Here is also more advanced example of shortcode which we use on Demo
You can see from code that we used cbtkr_approved_usd and cbtkrk_pending_usd types, because these are point types (meta keys) where we store cashback points on our site. Also, code has RH_ELEMENTOR shortcode. This is template which we created in Elementor for next part

If you didn’t import demo, you can import this template for Elementor. For this, go to Templates – Saved templates and click on Import templates button
Then, import next file
Now, you must edit this template and add some changes. We created 4 Levels and each level has point range. Once user reached this range, Check icon will be added on this level.

Edit each shortcode module and change to your balance range (add balance which will show icon and your cashback point key).
We also used Conditional shortcode of Mycred and button which will trigger Popup with payment request button (see below how to make submit form for payment request in Contact form 7 plugin)
Show History as Separate Page on site
Alternative will be to create custom page and add there shortcode with Mycred History and add link to this page in your menu or in User dropdown menu
First of all, create page, place there next shortcodes
Here we show Elementor Template with ID 1016 for logged users and we show message to guests that they must login on site. Of course, you can use shortcode
[mycred_history type=cbtrkr_pending_usd user_id=current]
Instead RH_ELEMENTOR template. But if you want to have such cool Levels and more advanced layout, you can copy our Template to your site. You must replace ID 1016 with ID of Elementor template
We created template for you. Download it Then, Go to Templates and Import it, copy shortcode for your template and place it on your Cashback History page

How to adjust cashback point amount
And again, if you use Cashback tracker plugin, it will add/change points automatically. And you need to change points of user only after you pay him cashback. If you don’t use plugin, you must make point adjustment manually
For this, search user on your site, go to Users – all user and search by name

Then, you can adjust Points to this user

I always recommend to add something in Log entry, in this case, you will have History of points and can always track changes if something will be wrong

When you do payment for user, you can also deduct points. Just make adjusting of points, but add negative value to deduct them.
It’s not required to make payments for cashbacks. You can also use another approach and give users special roles and capabilities once they get special amount of points. You can give users ranks, you can set special pages with bonuses which are available only for users with special amount of points. You can give users roles or member types once they reach special point balance. You can change real products of your site to user’s points. Possibilities are really endless. Please, read our tutorial about Community and Point features for Rehub
How to add withdrawal cashback Form for users
In previous steps we added notices, tracking subid, point system. Now, it’s time to add contact form for users where they can submit their cashback payment request.
As on previous step, we will add this form inside User Profile.
For this, we have special place in theme. You can find it in theme option – Buddypress – Add custom message or html in profile of User. Everything which you add in this place will be rendered in User Profile page inside Profile tab. Make sure that Profile tab is the first tab of profile. It will be the second tab if you enabled Activity for Profiles. You can disable activity module in Settings – Buddypress.
You can also add this code in widget instead of profile description. Widget is visible on all Profile pages. For this, go to Appearance – widgets and add code to Custom HTML widget in Buddypress Profile Sidebar area.
Of course, you can use our magic shortcode and show private data for user. For this, use
[rh_is_bpmember_profile]Private content here[/rh_is_bpmember_profile]
Instead of word “private content here”, we will add special shortcode. From second version of Mycred plugin, you can enable their addon cashcred
Enable it and configure according to documentation
Now, you can use shortcode to place request form in profile like
You can also place form inside popup and button which will trigger it. Code will be next in this case
[wpsm_button_popup btn_text="Request cashback"] [mycred_cashcred] [/wpsm_button_popup]
You can also wrap code with conditional shortcode of Mycred. In this way, you can show button only if user reaches some limit of approved cashback
Example of such code
[mycred_show_if balance=1 ctype="cbtrkr_approved_usd"]
[wpsm_button_popup btn_text="Request cashback"] [mycred_cashcred] [/wpsm_button_popup]
This will show button only if user has minimum 1 point of cbtkr_approved_usd
Other ways for users to use their cashback points
Another way which you can use your Mycred points is to change/sell something by points. Check documentation of Sell Content of Mycred. So, you can create special products on your site and allow users to change their points on these products. Also you can use Show, Hide shortcodes of Mycred and add access to your users who reaches special level of points to some parts of site. Check all Mycred shortcodes
wich rehub chield theme is best for multivendor with cashback website
In the document, Cashback Tracker Pro supports Admitad & AWIN only. Why do you need to add subid for Amazon & Ebay?
It’s only if you want to track them manually
How to track cashback for order from Amazon.
Cashback Tracker not Support amazon.
Any Manual way?
Amazon doesn’t allow cashbacks
Can we have any plug in which allows us to sync and update coupons and deals on my store?
we provide Import addon with theme
I have complete all process but I have facing one problem, this problem is Request cashback from not working why..? please help me.
You can write to support of theme
After reading this article I purchased the cashback tracker pro plugin thinking that it can track all affiliate links. But Cashback Tracker Pro supports Admitad & AWIN only.
Theme is creating sub id in the links but after purchasing of order my cred is not showing any points in the user profile.
Mycred doesn’t change any points, you must do it manually or via Cashback tracker plugin, both are described in this article
Can we have balnce<100 instead of balnce=0 or 1, because once threshold value of 100 reaches, we want to let them request cashback. So if we can use greater than condition or not?
You can set any kind of conditions via Mycred conditional shortcodes
If we add custom login shortcode to login modal in theme options,the existing/inbuilt theme wasn’t removing, both the forms are showing.
You must add custom link to your login page in theme option – user option if you want to have another form
Can i see an example of that if >150 points only, should request the withdraw (atleast should see the request withdraw button)
And also, if we add coupons via Rehub bulk import, and cashback tracker plugin installed, will all the links on site be tracked by Cashback tracker plugin and gets validated?
Links of the theme will be tracked by plugin
How can we cloak the Cashback tracker plugin as well?
Is there any way to integrate rehub’s default affiliate store page and cashback tracker’s shop page?
Is there a way to change Go to shop button of cashback tracker plugin same as Rehub theme’s Go to shop page?
Can we have our custom text like “Activate Cashback” instead of Go to shop?
If you use Cashback tracker plugin, you need to use plugin’s shop pages for maximum compatibility.
Hi, I want to remove the cashback balance option under profile because the amount was cutting off because of it’s pretext i.e, my approved point type(in my case, it is Cashback Approved), as the text was long the points weren’t showing at all. So either I want to change the Cashback Approved text to any other only in profile or remove it completely.
You can add own text/change it as you want. Please, read carefully this article and it has mentioned placed where you can add/change your text and conditions
Can we add coupons of a certain category to cashback tracker’s shop page? If yes, what is the shortcode?
Yes, you can, please, write to support of theme for details
can we add filter option to single category page same as single shop page?
posts have no attributes so nothing to filter in categories
I mean posts means here coupons, on category page of coupons can we add dealstore filter?
Yes, Categories can have filters. Check
Why ajax search inbuilt by theme is very slow? Could you recommend any other plugin for search that is compatible rehub and also rehub search is not searching for whole text or any like for example if I search Flipkart it doesn’t showing flipkart store, only ajax is showing then we have to click on that
Ajax search use regular wordpress ajax. If it’s slow, means that your server is slow or you have too much. tags, categories or posts on site. Any other plugin for search will be also slow
I also want to show only categories and affiliate stores in the search option. But Not the posts. Can I do that?
I have already a blog about affiliates, where I share the best mobile, laptop, gadgets everything from Amazon and Flipkart using egg pro. I am getting clicks too. But it is not converting into sales. I just want to add cashback, whenever the user clicks on that link after login. Is this feature available?
How do you plan to add cashback if you have no sales?
Can we add coupons of a certain category to cashback tracker’s shop page? If yes, what is the shortcode?
it’s better to ask question about plugin to author of plugin. you can find contact details on site
Can you please tell me one thing when the user is requesting for withdrawal via bank detail so admin got a request of that detail once admin approves I can see status got change from pending to success just one thing that confuses me that request withdrawal amount debited from which account because I haven’t added my any card detail or any bank account this is possible? or what if that transaction fails due to some bank issue how do I know.
If you are looking for support for Rehub theme, please, write on Themeforest comments
is it possible to replace the “dealstore” slug name with other name?
Yes, it’s possible
I am using the cashback plugin; I have tried to add the stores to my website using Rehubs elementors Rehub addons. With plugins native shortcode, I can see the given cashback etc., but when I use Rehub themes addons, I can only pull the logo and the company name; it doesn’t show the cashback %.
I’m doing that because I need pagination, which the plugin hasn’t.
I appreciate any help you can provide.
You need to write to theme’s support. Here is not place to get it
Really a great post. I was looking for this for months. Thanks again.
I am using only cashback tracker plugin so,Can I track cashback without content egg and affiliate egg plugin. Or content egg and affiliate plugin is required.
I am really interested to buy this looks complete…but I have some doubts
I am using only cashback tracker plugin so,Can I track cashback without content egg and affiliate egg plugin. Or content egg and affiliate plugin is required.