Affiliate Egg – is a WordPress plugin, which allows you to add in your posts sample products from popular online stores and monetize referrals through the CPA-networks.
Watch a short video to learn how does the plugin works.
Supported shops
Amazon (.com, .de,, .it, .in, .fr, .es)
Ebay (.com, .de, .in, .es,
Groupon (.com), (also,,,
There are many other supported shops, check actual full list
Many buyers ask what is difference between Content Egg and Affilate Egg? First of all, we added recently integration with Content Egg, so, you can use both plugins with the most powerful combination for affiliate marketing and get all proses from both plugins. Check also Content Egg offer or see how plugins can work together.
Difference is in logic and in tools.
Content Egg uses keyword to search products through Product API of affiliate systems. Each system has own API and rules. So, you enter keyword, plugin returns products, then you choose which are the best and insert them in post with one of output template. You can also mix products from different affiliate systems in comparison list with special shortcode or divide them in parts with different design.
Affiliate Egg has web parser instead searching with API. You need to put direct links on product pages to parse products. So, it’s a bit more work, but plugin doesn’t depend on API of systems (which sometimes can return not all products), you can use it for parse any product page. You can also parse category pages, archive pages. Sometimes it’s very useful, because you can choose the best products on original site and then make something like “storefront with best from…” or “top 15 green shoes from”. So, it’s more flexible in choosing products, but more manual work.
Now, about bad part. As I wrote, Content Egg depends on API from affiliate systems, so, you need to have approved programs, you need to have account in affiliate system, you can’t choose special product page from original source if such page is not searchable in their API. Affiliate Egg’s bad part is that it depends on parsers and we can’t make parsers for all shops. So, you can’t use Affiliate Egg if you don’t have parser for site (each site requires own parser). But we have more than 50 ready parsers, also we provide service to make custom parsers ($25 for each).
Where to use. Content Egg is better in most cases, especially if you want to use affiliate aggregator as, Zanox, CJ, etc. It’s also good for Amazon and Ebay, because they have good API. Affiliate Egg is better if you want to use direct website partnership program. Also, it’s good if you want to parse specific product pages. Usually, people buy Affiliate Egg for local markets. For example, there is no good affiliate aggregators for Indian market. But we have many ready parsers for most popular Indian shops. Also, of course, you can use both plugins.
is this plugin works with ReHUb theme only or we can use it with any theme?
Works with any theme, but Rehub has many additional output templates for plugin. By default, plugin has 4 output templates
What is the meaning of output template?
output template is how offer block will look on your site
could you please confirm the name of Indian E-commerce websites which can be used in this plug in?
Hey, that’s pofewrul. Thanks for the news.
Please reply, so that i can purchase it
Hi! There is a plugin that can fetch live price from any e-commerce website. You can use it with Woocommerce and your Rehub theme. Take a look:
Learned about it and this is awesome plugin….. I will use it…
This plugin can’t fetch anything. You need to add links manually to plugin, then, plugin try to use Skimlinks API to check if product exists and update affiliate link. First of all, it doesn’t fetch any information like Affiliate Egg, just prices (as I see it’s also has big delay before price update) and link. No reviews, images, titles, sale prices, feedbacks, specifications and other important info for real price comparison sites. Also it doesn’t update Product price. We have better way for Woocommerce
Wpsouladmin, please, take a carefull look.. You’re missing something:
Can EGGs fetch live prices from local website like those from Brazil?
Reviews, content don’t need to be real time, so we use EGGs.
But price must be. EGGs should be able scraping live price from CSS selectors of local stores like the above plugin is. This is just a suggestion, friend! Thanks
I didn’t miss any info and understand how plugin works. You place links in products and css selector for price update, but…the similar way we use in Affiliate Egg and you can create custom parser for it, but Affiliate Egg store prices on site and update them. Your plugin don’t store, it parses price each time after you open product. problem is that this doesn’t allow you to store prices in fields of product, so, you can’t create directory of products on your site, you can’t show prices in archives, you can’t compare prices from different products. Anyway, I think that Content Egg is much better sollution, because you don’t need to find links for products, all actions are from post admin page including searhing of products, choosing, sorting and other things + price tracker + price history, etc.
In future we will add also manual module in Content Egg, with logic like in your plugin, so, follow updates
I cant find any change log for this plugin which is must for any plugin..
which shows the development of product..
it’s in plugin’s readme.txt
Is this plugin also included with content egg in this theme?
Is this coupled with the rehab theme or sold separately?
This plugin is separate and is not included in theme
Nice plugin….will it work with sharesale , cj affliate programs??
No, for these systems we have another plugin Content Egg (check deal section on homepage)
Are “Content Egg” and “Affiliate Egg” the same plugin or not? It’s not clear to me.
I added description what is difference
No ebay Fr (France)?
For ebay it’s better to use Content Egg
Hi, I purchased Content Egg and Rehub and really please with these products. I intend to buy Affiliate Egg. However, when I try to use coupon code for Affiliate Egg order, it says “This coupon code is invalid or has expired.” Can you check the valid of the coupon code ?
Can u please let me know the url of website.. where u r using content egg.i just want to have a look
you can check the demo of using Content Egg with Rehub theme here :
If you bought Content Egg, no need in coupon, all your next purchases already have 25% discount
Can we use the filter for category, price and brand using this plugin?
Content Egg has free version on WordPress. You can download the free version to try before upgrade it to the Pro version.
I have used your service to create custom parsers for the local market. However, I don’t know how to integrate these custom parsers into the Content Egg. I add codes in Config file (Affiliate Egg), but I can’t enable the module in Content Egg. Can you write a guide in the manual about this integration ?
In your custom parser, add next line here it must have an url which is used on site for searh.
Can you tell wich custom parsers you already have developed for dutch stores in the Netherlands?
there are no such parsers
hello is this theme and plugin have an excel import functionality for the affiliate means can i able to import affiliate excel file from flipkart, amazon etc..
Theme has extension for WP all Import plugin for this
I sent and email to support address on keywordrush. Just notice about the auto-update price:
With Affiliate Egg, I use grid of 4 columns template for products in posts:
1. I don’t know if the price is updated. No notice like “Last update was in: …” like in Content Egg.
2. It seems the wp-cron doesn’t work as expected. I view the posts many times and price of product doesn’t update (I change the Update products to 3600 seconds; Update Catalogs : 7200 seconds to see how the plugin update info). Recently, there are flash sale, my post can’t update the price on time. My website compares the prices from shops, it’s useless if it can’t update price on time for visitors.
write to plugin’s support, please
I am thinking about buying affiliate egg but i am not sure yet. Could you tell me which of your 2 plugins is better to promote products from aliexpress?
CE is more stable as it uses official API of Aliexpress, but Affiliate Egg allows you to parse direct links from site. Anyway, I prefer to use Content Egg
Flipkart not in the above list, than it is a dead investment for sure
Flipkart can’t be parsed with web parser, but it’s available in our other plugin Content Egg
I have both but Flipkart is not an option . I baught it today
Flipkart is in Content Egg PRO
is it available in Affiliate egg
hello i want to ask if AFFILIATE EGG can work with this themes ?
and AFFILIATE EGG is like this plugins ?
and i want to know :
1 : if AFFILIATE EGG can auto import products data from amazon ?
2 : price Compare can work with amazon worldwide ( us > uk > it ) and so on ? and work with any themes ?
3 : price Compare have auto update from amazon . ?
example : i need to import top 100 laptops from amazon and compare price from all amazon worldwide > can AFFILIATE EGG do that ?
thank you
it works with any theme
It’s not like woozone plugin. Woozone allows to import products from Amazon, one product per one Amazon item. Affiliate Egg is for creating comparison lists or creating offer blocks inside posts or products. It’s not for importing to woocommerce. It works with locales of Amazon. It has auto update feature.
You can also parse category from Amazon. But this data will be for inserting in product or post (or anywhere you want), it doesn’t import all data as woocommerce products
Can woozone and affiliated egg work together?
Yes. You can add products with woozome and use AE to add additional offers for product
thanks @wpsouladmin
i will use your plugins and yours themes and also i will use woozone beside Affiliate Egg
Is there an option for the users to submit URL’s (add urls fields for submission from plugin) and to display automatically the results as configured in admin settings (Post submit / Woocommerce Product Submit)?
Also, is there an option for mass import/scrape from sites?
There is no frontend form for plugin, but this is in our plans for updates.
For bulk import – you can use links on category pages, plugin can parse shop archives, search pages, category pages
Another difference or ‘bad think’ about A.E. compares with C.E. is that it has’nt the comparison list option, right?
Reading the C.E. Pro and A.E. features from plugins’ creator i notee that difference.
Could you confirm it, please?
No, it has comparison. Logic of plugin is another. You can set unlimited links in one storefront and you can show all offers from this storefront as one comparison list. Also, you can enable Affiliate Egg integration in Content Egg and use AE parsers as CE modules, all CE functions will be available in this case
OK! Many thanks for clarifing that!
I bought this plugin for custom analyzers. But I can not find documentation about it. The one there is very poor. I need it.
What do you mean by “custom analyzers”?
I need Affiliate Egg plugin but the ecommerce site I promote is not among the list of supported shops. Is there anyway out? How can the plugin be used for shopping site not supported?
custom parsers are $30 per parser.
does Affiliate egg updates product as soon as the partner e-commerce site updates a new or old product in terms of price, feature etc
this is link posted whith affiliate egg autoblog
and this link is created whith storefront short link (creating new page and past the storefront short link)
i want to desplay products for autoblog like storefront (deals-store logo) and when i click a product (goes to post product details
is it possible ?
Not clear what you mean. If you need to have inner links – use autoblog as you made on first link
what im asking,i want to display autoblog products as (Product grid output)
so product have store logo,buy botton,price item)
tested whith autoblog (AE ) but c’ant have it
You can change post layout to grid in theme option – general – Blog layout
sorry storefront link missed (
Hi, plugin looks really good!
I want to ask if there is any option to change the buttons color. And I saw when Im clicking buy it now it leads me direct to Add to cart window in amazon, can I direct the link to my affiliate link to the regular sale page at amazon?
And lat one 🙂
There is any refund option in case the plugin will not be good for me?
yes, refund is possible. And you can choose link for Amazon: add to art or regular link to product
It is clear to me that Zanox works with Content Egg plugin. But does it work also with Affiliate Egg, creating deeplinks from that network? On official sales page from Affiliate Egg there is no mention to Zanox, that’s why I’m asking…
because Zanox is not a shop, AE works only for direct shop parsing
i want to create website for price comparison . in website i will show all indian shop store lilke amazon , ebay, flipkart, snapdeal n many more with product comparing price…. i will use my affiliate link …….i want to ask which plugin i required for this ?? both plugin(aff.egg,content egg,) or single plugin….? if i purchase rehub theme ..what advantage i will get regarding these plugin ?
You will need Affiliate Egg plugin, but Flipkart is only in Content Egg. Rehub has advanced integration with plugin, like special post layouts, special autoblog layouts, special post modules for AE and synchronization with theme fields, post fields.
I really believe you need to work more on Affiliate Egg and make it more advanced. First, there should be some advanced search features where we can search for the seller, category, specify seller’s rating, etc
I also hope you can add a feature to add the products that are listed after search as a woocommerce product. This will make Affiliate Egg the best affiliate curator product int he market. Please consider this.
I think you don’t understand how plugin works. it’s not for importing products, it’s for parsing and creating CTA blocks and comparison lists. Also category, seller’s and all filters which are available on original site is available in plugin, because you can use direct link on search page to parse. For example, for Amazon will parse only products from this search filter
I can’t see flipkart and all other sites in CONTENT EGG SYNCHRONIZATION setting, is it because I haven’t purchased affiliate egg plugin?
Flipkart is in Content Egg PRO plugin. You can see full list of available modules of AE and CE on this page
I can’t see flipkart option sir, how to enable it whenever I open any post and type product keyword ( in content egg plugin which comes just below the post) it only shows amazon. How can I add flipkart ebay and other ecommerce sites? please help
It’s available in Content Egg PRO plugin, so, you must have it. I guess, you have free version
Tell me that if i want to compare products from amazon , Flipkart and snapdeal and other indian websites then which is better ?
I strongly work on then can CE compare all indian websites
better to use Content Egg PRO (Flipkart,, paytm), but for other small shops you will need also Affiliate Egg PRO. You can deal with author for good price for bundle of two plugins.
This is regarding Snapdeal/Infibeam affiliate link. how to use them? as i dont see any specific settings for these sites.
This is regarding Snapdeal / infibeam & Gearbest affiliate links, which settings i need to use to get this affiliate works? at present i don’t see these sites are listed under settings.
Thank You.
Affiliate Egg settings – deeplink. you can set them for all sites there
I have a local price comparison site in Nigeria. All the stores in this website are ONLY Nigeria’s online stores such as konga, jumia etc. I can’t find this on Affiliate Egg shop list. Is it possible for me to still use Affiliate Egg for such local sites? Or is Affiliate Egg is ONLY for those jobs you listed in your demo?
you can hire us to create custom parsers (20-30 per 1 parser) or create them by yourself if you have basic php and xpath skills
Hi, first off I just recently purchased rehub theme and affiliate egg plugin, and it’s INCREDIBLE!
In the video, when inserting your affiliate id’s into the affiliate egg settings, do i have to put “tag=” before all affiliate id’s, or just for Amazon? For instance, I am using Amazon, Ebay, and AliExpress. Do I put tag=”example-id”, for each of my affiliate id’s?
Thanks in advance,
yes, if you want to have commission from sales. Anyway, you need to do this only one time in settings of plugin (deeplink settings)
Hi can you make a custom parser to the ecommerce thanks
yes, I think it’s possible
Hello, can we use Affiliate Egg with multiple amazon tracking ID? For Example: in Post A, we want to use tracking ID A-20, in post B: we want to use tracking ID B-20…
yes, but for this, you need to add tracking ID directly to link
hey it seems the plugin does not work with ebay deals?
can you add support for ebay deals please?
was added
Hello Igor , is it possible to crawl and parse coupon code websites?
mostly – yes, but I need to see example of site
I have purchased both affilite egg and content egg
I want to add deeplink to store but I dont know how
I want also custom purser to and
I sent email to support and there is no reply till now
please help me
i need to add and also , how to get it in 20$ i agree about price no pb
these are already available in last plugin version
Hi. I saw your email, but when I answered on it, I see next message
Address not found
Your message wasn’t delivered to dr.giza…… because the address couldn’t be found. Check for typos or unnecessary spaces and try again.
So, you have problems with email
Answer was next
“But Lazada is already available in Affiliate Egg.
For other two – we can make custom parsers, price will be $20 per each”
I emailed you from this email as you say that there is a problem with the other
I know that lazada is present but I dont know how to add deep link as I saw prefix and postfix un the link
and I want to make custom parser to souq and jumia but I want 2 thing:
I want you to make a discount as I saw in yhe comments that you make some parser in 15$ 🙂
and I wnat to know how time long it wull take and the payment method
Hello, the coupon code “CLIENT10” mentioned above is not working for the additional 10% off. Are you aware of another coupon code? Thanks!
use this coupon. will work few days
Thank you
can i use ” affiliate egg or content egg ” for local affiliate shops neither the supported shops ?
You can use Content Egg to manually add offers from custom shops. Or Affiliate Egg + custom parsers. Developers of plugin provide custom parser creating for $25 per site
the affiliate egg have ” Price history ” feature or not ?
It doesn’t have, but you can enable integration with Content Egg and this will enable also price history feature. This will work also in Content Egg free version, so, you don’t need to buy additional CE PRO to get this
Is the plugin fully working on Lazada? I’m gonna buy it.
yes, it has
If i buy the Re:Hub Theme will I get these affiliate egg for free?
I watched the video. Can I only use my affiliate products on my homepage?
About the Re:Hub Theme is this an unlimited license?
Thanks. I’m about to buy.
you can use on any page
2. Rehub doesn’t have unlimited license
CLIENT10 Expired 🙁
You can try WARRIOR35
Is this going to work without re hub theme? I’m using a different theme
Yes, it will work
you said we can create custom parsers by myself, how too add it? any docs?
Hi there. I have read through all of the comments before posting here. All I wanted to know is if I ask you to create a parser, will it then automatically update product price? Is there a detailed video on what parsers are and what do you get on your website after you add them?
yes, price update will work. How plugin works, you can find from docs
Hi can you add the affiliate of these site please ?
and more French affiliate
awin is not shop. for other, you can write to email of author of plugin and ask for this
hi, Is there plugin work to automatically update the price of deals? and to check if the discount coupons are still valid?
I only work with one shop no admitad, the true gearbest site
yes, it has price update, but what discount update do you mean?
discount coupons, exemple : with coupon “Fr10232” price is 50$ without coupon price is 75$.
The coupons have a random life so check often if they are still valid.
Is it possible that the plugin checks this?
Sometimes it’s flash sales so no need for that but sometimes so.
Plugin will show price the same as it’s visible on site, so, if site shows price without coupon applied – plugin will show also the same price. (p.s. anyway, you can customize output templates if you need)
cant figure out how to make affiliate egg word with Aliexpress…
it’s the same as in any other shop. just place link. If you have any problems, i recommend to write to support of plugin
I have a problem I bought the plugin but when I do a search with the content egg with affiliate pro for gearbest, my prices are displayed in $, I wish they are displayed in €.
If I add currency = EUR in the code it’s not the exact price!
I tried to change with custom cookie but the price stays in $.
How to solve this problem?
Unfortunately, Gearbest and Banggood doesn’t support cookie for currency change. Only possible to use shortcode parameter. You can write to author of plugin, maybe he can advice something
Hi there, I’m interested to buy both CE and AE, but will there be more PHP currency stores added like,,…? Since I can only see Lazada in the list for PHP currency, so I wouldn’t even be able to offer a price comparison on my website. Thanks!
you can order custom parsers from authors. Also, check Optimisemedia network, maybe they work in your country. Network is available in Content Egg
Thanks for the tip, I’ll have a look. Custom parsers would also be an option indeed. Cheers!
interested in AE for lazada. can i have a demo would like to test in before purchase.
Sorry, currently AE doesn’t have demo version. Only Content Egg has
Please how do I get a refund for my content egg, it’s affiliate egg I’m supposed to buy. I want to change my purchase and license to affiliate egg.
write here and ask to switch your license
I dont get the price of $33.75 while using REHUB25 coupon.
coupon is expired. Current coupons have only 15%
Next sale day??
Plugins don’t have regular sale days. (only on Black friday and Christmas)
I bought affiliate egg pro,using it with rehub theme. I created price comparison website for indian market.Amazon price only get updated. How can I update local websites live price like Flipkart,snapdeal,tatacliq
for flipkart which plugin we use content egg or affiliae egg
Both have it, but Affiliate Egg has also many other shops from India
Looks cool to me. Planning to buy one for my Amazon affiliate sites.
Should I buy conent egg and affiliate egg for affiliate website. My target shops are, flipkart, shopclues, snapdeal, and tatacliq.
Affiliate Egg + Content Egg free version will be enough
should we use it with content egg pro or we can use it with contect egg free version?
Both will work the same, so, you can use also free version
hi, I see this post and buy plugin and now not see “”
could help now about this store?
Just a couple of questions…If I use AE with CE, will it allow me to pull products from the publishers on sites like CJ without having to sign up with each individual advertiser since most publishers don’t accept new advertisers accounts. And the second question, Is CE or AE best for an affiliate websites where I drip and display a dozen or so new products each day.
Affiliate Egg allows to get products directly from site without API access. CE is for using API, so, you must have approve in network
I need a confirmation did I understand it well. I can take any product with AE from the sites that are in the list, even if I am not an affiliate partner of those sites?
I am asking this because I want to make price comparison site. But I must have a finished site before entering affiliate program, and I need to have products with price auto update on it. So I need to take products and prices before I qualify to became an affiliate.
Yes, it’s correct. Plugin parses direct web pages, so, you don’t need approval in networks to use it
Where I can download this plugin?
Link on plugin is in end of article
I’m using Affiliate Egg (and Content Egg) to get discount products from shops.
How can I choose to add only products With Discount (like options in Affiliate Egg sidebar) ?
If you use Content Egg, you can find discount filter in many modules. Go to settings of modules and enable it
is amzon affiliate works without api in affiliate egg
Current code is REHUB
It’s working as expected on
how i signup my account with
You can buy any product on Before purchase, you will find link “Have a discount code? Click to enter it”. Then, you can submit coupon
when will you add support for with sharesale and cj affliate networks?/
Never, because CJ and shareasale are not shops, they are affiliate networks. And they are available in Content Egg plugin.
Hi, simialer as above,
Can the AE work with skimlinks?
Yes, it should work
I am not able to import product from i have purchased affiliate egg and already integrate it with content egg pro still i am not able to add product it shows not able to parse when i search something. Please help me.
please, write to support of plugin
I use content eggs and affiliate eggs.
1. How do I load a product review on my affiliate site?
2. I want to use price alerts. I’ve tested it using email tags, but it doesn’t display correctly. If you enter% POST_ID%, you will receive% POST_ID% by email.
Better to write to support of plugin, here is just deal page
I can’t find Amazon in contents Egg.
It was done at first, but after repeating it several times, it became impossible.
Please tell me how to resolve.
Or, please tell me how to use the API on Amazon.
Amazon removed their API 4 year ago, so, it’s not available in Content Egg free version, only in PRO. But you can use Offer module in free version to add any links, including amazon. Or use Affiliate egg + Content Egg free
Is the Amazon API not available in the free version of Content Egg?
I’m using Affiliate egg Pro + Content Egg, but if it’s not Content Egg Pro, can I only use links?
It’s not available in Free version. If you use AE PRO, you can use Amazon module of AE and enable integration to CE
Is the Amazon API not available in the free version of Content Egg?
It’s not available