How to optimize Web Vitals on WordPress in 2021

Speed of sites on wordpress is one of the weak side of wordpress, because default wordpress cache system is very simple and not effective. But power of wordpress is in it’s community and number of awesome free plugins. Today I will tell you how you can get A grade on gtmetrix, google page speed, increase your page speed. These rules are working great in 95% of cases and don’t require too much actions from your side and you don’t need to buy extra plugins.
How to test speed of site
Currently, there are two basic instruments which I use to test speed of site.
First is gtmetrix and second is LightHouse from Google. There are big difference between two services.
To give you some inspiration what we made with our theme’s perfomance improvements and 3 years of speed test study

But I want to tell you that score – is just score, you should think about the speed of the site and how your site is comfortable for users, which are more important than just numbers on score. Of course, if you have a very low score, it means that something is not good on your site. Maybe not optimized theme, plugins, hosting, or content. But as you see, even top sites sometimes don’t care about speed and makes more attention to usability.

Also, some users send me their links and ask why they can’t get good speed on site. There are few things which can make any site very slow and it’s not possible to optimize them.
First of all, I want to tell you that if you have slow hosting you can’t get good speed for your site even you are a magic master of caching. How to check your hosting? I want to give you advice. Go to your admin panel of wordpress and activate default theme and deactivate all plugins except required plugins. If it loads not quickly – you need to change your hosting or update hosting plan.
Also, sometimes, it’s important to have server location close to your destination. For example, if site is for USA, make sure that your server is located near USA (or in USA). Because I have some cases, when hosting is good, but because of it’s location, it works very slow in my country. In the end of article we can give you some hosting scores and recommendations.
Avoid external scripts
Here is important thing – external scripts. My head is exploded sometimes when I check some sites. 5 different ads scripts, 3 different statistic and metrics, several notificators like Onesignal, and several external share scripts.

You must know one thing – external scripts are not possible to cache or optimize, so, you can’t have a good score for such sites. Try to find balance, don’t use several statistic plugins, don’t use external share scripts.
And the last thing to check on your site is a number of modules that you use on-site and the number of plugins.
I found that many our theme’s buyers install ALL plugins at once. They don’t know what plugins do and still install them just because they can be useful in future. Why? Don’t do this. Keep active only those plugins that you really know and which you really use on site. Delete all others. Also, don’t try to use too much blocks on Page and too many widgets on one page. We leave in the world which is overloaded with information. Don’t do this also on your pages. Keep everything as clean as possible.
If you place 500 products on the homepage doesn’t mean that the user will scroll through all of them. Check sites like Amazon, Etsy. They have millions of products, but only 4-6 blocks on the homepage. Don’t overload your users, show them only those blocks which can be useful for them.
Setup database and file cache with cache plugins
I think I tried near 10 different cache plugins for wordpress. Some of them were awesome in past, but now is outdated. Currently, I think that most stable plugin is. Wp Super cache. It’s free and easy to setup. I never touch any configurations, usually, I just install and activate cache in settings. Of course, there are many other plugins. I like W3 Total cache, but it can’t be not user-friendly as it has many options which are hard to understand for novices. Wp rocket is very popular among PRO plugins. However, if you don’t know what to choose, use Wp super cache. Also, many popular hosting provide own cache plugins.
Setup for static file cache and minification
WP super cache is plugin for caching database requests but you must also enable file minification. What is this?
Any site on wordpress loads many scripts, because all themes and all plugins can load their styles and scripts for proper work

All of these scripts are separate request in the browser. Most of WordPress sites can have 30-50 requests and this is too high. So, we must merge them into one and optimize such scripts. This is why we need a plugin to Minify and merge them
Previously, I use Better WordPress minify plugin. But it’s outdated and not supported, so, currently, I use Autoptimize or Breeze which have some very important settings which you will need.
Usually, I keep all settings by default in Autoptimize, but I change and enable only two sections – Javascript and Css. Let’s check most important settings in plugin

I enable second and third option. Second option will merge all files in one file. Third option is important for me. Many plugins and themes use wp_add_inline_script function to add conditional pieces of code on site. I found that if you don’t have enabled the third option, such code will be loaded before other script and drops error. So, I enable this option.
Next options are Css options
Usually, i use two possible set of options. The first one is for removing Render blocking

Take attention on Inline and Defer CSS option – I enabled it when I want to fix Render blocking issue.
How to Eliminate Render Block for styles
This is most common problem on all sites. When wordpress loads all files, it loads javascripts in footer and all CSS in head section. Everything which is loaded in Head section of site will block rendering. It means that browser must load ALL files in head section BEFORE it starts to render page and this will drastically reduce speed of site in first seconds, because user will not see site before browser loads all styles. It’s not problem if site has small amount of css. But usually, there are many styles.
This is important especially for google. Because this styles block access to page for google bots in first seconds and bot must spend more sources to load files and analyze page. This is why “Eliminate render blocking” error is marked as First High Priority on all google test tools
We made some experiments. We totally disabled all caching and optimizations on site and checked site without Defer style option in Autoptimize. Here is results

So, we have 30-33 score for perfomance (other scores don’t affect speed)
Now, we enabled Defer and Inline Css option

Immediately, we got + almost 20 points.
Ok, why this option is not so popular on sites and you still see problem? It’s simple. When you enable this option, all styles will be placed in footer. Yes, site will be loaded faster but in few seconds, you will see next problem

Do you see this weird unstyled flashing issue in first second? it’s because the site is loading, but without styles. How to fix this? Well, you can add critical css files in next field.

How to get critical css? There are few methods. You can go to special site place link of your homepage, generate styles and copy them. But this way has one problem – it generates critical css for one page. But your inner pages may have another styles. Autoptimize plugin has support for Paid service critical.css which generates critical css for each page.
CLS issue
Ok. You enabled Defer loading but now you got too low CLS even if you use Critical css option
Starting from November, all test speed tools use Google Lighthouse. And Google reduces score if you have big CLS (Cumulative Layout Shift).
This is the big problem, because ways how we fix Render blocking affect CLS negatively. Let me explain what happens.
When you enable defer parsing for render blocking fix, all your styles go to bottom of page and loaded after page load. This makes part of page as not styled why loading. And this creates layout shift, because elements on loading are shifting after page load. So, fix for one problem creates another problem.
Critical CSS option will reduce layout shifting. But, on our tests, we found that fixing render blocking issue doesn’t improve score and reduces it instead.
So, the only way now is TEST and COMPARE. Enable defer parsing and critical css on site. Check score. Clean cache, disable defer parsing, clean cache again, check score.
By our tests, sites which have large amount of styles (for example, shops, marketplaces, directories) have better score with defer parsing (even if they have not good CLS). But sites which are related only on posts have better score without defer parsing (even if they have notice about render blocking).
After all, here is most stable options for css which we use in our theme and sites.

Eliminate Render Blocking Jquery
As you may know, WordPress loads Jquery library by default as it’s used by many plugins and themes. Bad thing is that it’s loading in header and it blocks rendering. Inside Autoptimize, you can disable jquery from header.
Remove this word from settings

But be careful. Some themes load inline javascripts which are related on jquery and this can break whole site.
Again, better to test.
Asynchronious script loading
By our tests, Autoptimize does good job and doesn’t require any other plugins for script optimization. We didn’t find any difference if we use Async loading for scripts or defer parsing. But you can try plugin from the same author Async Javascript. After installation, go to Settings → Async JavaScript and enable Async, then, click on Async Apply button. Check your site. If you have any problems, try Defer parsing instead

By our tests, we don’t see a big difference in using Async Loading plugin. I just leave a link on the plugin if you want to test.
Problem with Google fonts
There is one more problem which depends on Render block. It’s Font problem. When you load google fonts (which are in use on most of sites), they can block page. Fortunately, Autoptimize has special option to fix this. Find it in Extra tab

Leverage browser caching
Next step is setting correct expiration data for static resources. By default, maybe you don’t need to do this now if you use Autoptimize or good hosting, but if you have such problem in the recommendation on Gtmetrix, here is my special settings for .htaccess
In most cases you have some code in .htaccess which allows wordpress use permalinks. Leave it as is and add such code AFTER existing code in file. This is very important, otherwise, site can be broken.
Copy code from gist and add it in End of htaccess
If you don’t want to edit htaccess, use plugin Speed Up – Browser Caching – plugin, it will make htaccess rules for you.
Clean Assets of site
When we make any theme or plugin, we always keep speed in mind and we always load scripts and styles only when they are needed on page. Unfortunately, this is not what all developers do. We found that almost all plugins load some global styles and scripts on site. Even more, WordPress loads such styles (Gutenberg block styles) on all pages, even on those pages where you don’t use Gutenberg at all. So, we need to clean site from such files. This requires very good knowledge of wordpress, because you can delete something important, however, we can give you some advices what we remove in most of cases, so you can remove such files without problems.
You will need plugin Webcraftic Assets manager or similar which can give option to control assets loading on site.
Once you install plugin, visit your homepage. Click on Asset Manager in admin bar

Page with all files will be opened
Usually, I disable next files
Elementor Animations
As our theme uses own WOW animation framework, which is working as script, I disable Animation styles of Elementor on whole site

Woocommerce Blocks
Woocommerce has some Gutenberg blocks, but they are very ugly in design, so, I never use them and disable these files on whole site

If you don’t use Cart of woocommerce, maybe it’s better to disable also wc-cart-fragments and wc-add-to-cart scripts
WordPress Blocks
I also limit two files for WordPress Blocks: wp-embed (responsible for embeding youtube and other services in posts) and wp-block-library. But I do this only for all post types exclude Posts, because i use Gutenberg in posts

Passive event listener issue

This issue is coming from Jquery and some core plugins of wordpress. I tried different plugins to fix issue but they don’t work or break site. Finally, i found that disabling Comment reply in Asset manager usually solve this bug. Comment reply script is required for comments and it allows to show inline form for comment once user click on “Reply” link in comment. If your site doesn’t depend too much on comments or you use Woocommerce (which doesn’t have option to reply in comments), you can disable comment reply

Image optimization
Heavy images is another most common speed problem on sites. Cool full width photos, videos, overlayed images with alpha channel are very popular and they allow to make WOW effect on your site. But in the same time they are very heavy. How to fix this?
WebP images
When you need images with alpha channel you use PNG format. But WebP is new better format which is recommended by google. We made some tests on our demo and we found that images in WebP format has 6 times less size than the same image in PNG. When you use JPG format, it has no big sense to use WEBP format, but it has sense to change images to webp when you need image with alpha channel.
Currently, wordpress doesn’t allow to upload webp images, so, you must install plugin WP Enable WebP or similar to allow this. You can convert your regular png images to webp images on many sites. My favorite is Ezgif You can even convert video with alpha chanel to webp format (it has sense for small videos, but not for big sized)
Lazyload images
This is must have on all sites. Simple script can load images only when visitor scroll to image. This will save tons of traffic and gives you many points on speed test. You can try different plugins for this, for example, BJ lazy load. But we recommend to use themes which have this option in core, because core lazy load is more compatible.
Update. August 2020. From 5.5 version of WordPress, all images have lazy load. It’s working very well under our tests, so, you don’t need to install any additional plugins now
Image optimization in WordPress
It’s always better to load on site only optimized images. If you save them in any photo editor, make sure that you have near 65-70% of output quality. Don’t set 100% quality for photos, users will not see difference but size will be 2-3 times more than 70% quality.
In most of scenarios, you may need to use webp format of image. Looks like it becomes standard of images because it takes 2-3 time less size than other formats.
Do you need CDN?
Gtmetrix recommends you to use CDN. But fact is that CDN just makes more problems than solve them on small and new sites. This is because CDN is a different server than your site, so, again, you can have unexpected delays in image loading, blocking issues, etc
But CDN is must have if you have a really big site with more than 10 000 posts or products, because it allows you to keep your server free from such amount of files. So, my recommendation – use it on sites with big database and ignore it on new sites and small sites
Extra features
We found that you can save few resources if you deactivate Emodji script and string numeration in files which is enabled by default in WordPress. You can do this in Extra tab in Autoptimize. Don’t use this if you need Emodji or you update site often

Fix Fontawesome and other Icon fonts
Many sites uses icon fonts, like fontawesome. There is one problem with them – Size. It’s really huge file size and google can recommend you to preload fonts. If you see this, you must find links on your fonts and add preload link parameter in header.
Autoptimize has also option to add preload.

If your theme uses any icon font, check it’s size. We were surprised because fontawesome icons have near 1 mb size, when we created custom icons, they have size only 23kb. So, if your theme or plugin uses full fontawesome icon bundle, ask them to replace icons to custom icons.
Elementor Site Kit Fix
Recently we found weird issue on our sites. Even in fact that our theme has optimized font loading, we see that we have several additonal fonts which are loaded on site. After many tests we found that problem is in Elementor. They added new function – Global Site kit, it’s cool feature but way how it’s implemented is absolutely unacceptable. It loads Roboto and Roboto Slab fonts and many colors settings on pages of your site. Problem is that this feature is enabled by default and most of users don’t know about it.
Here how to fix.
Open any of page in Elementor. Then, click on hamburger icon

Then, choose Site settings and Font settings. Click on blue Pencil icon on each font and then, click on Return icon to clean font settings (it’s in Typography line)

Clear all fonts and Update settings.
Elementor dynamic template loading
if your page uses some parts or templates from Elementor, it’s better to load them via ajax, we built special option for this. Watch details how to optimise speed of Elementor templates
Hosting recommendations
Which hostings I can recommend: Siteground, Bluehost, WP engine, Kinsta, WPX. I used these hostings on many sites and they prove me that they are good for WordPress. But here I want to point you to one interesting thing which I found just recently. And this thing is TTFB.
TTFB of Hosting
TTFB is criteria to test speed of hosting. It’s time when the server starts to respond on requests. You can have perfect caching plugin on site, but if your hosting has low TTFB – web vitals score will be bad.
What is range of good TTFB. Well, it’s under 150ms. I tried many hosting and only few of them can provide good TTFB. If you have TTFB more than 500ms on Gtmetrix, maybe, it’s better to move to another hosting.
But I need to make one notice. TTFB is very related to location of server. So, if you have servers in USA and test site from Europe, you can have bad TTFB, but if you try from USA, it can be good enough. This is what I have on Siteground. Here is how to test from different locations – register on, now, when you start new test, click on next option and find several locations. So, if your site is for USA users, your servers are in USA location and TTFB is less than 150ms – it’s good enough. You should think about server changing if it’s more than 500ms.

So, in my tests, I used Block theme and the same demo content on different hosting. I used USA locations on all hostings
Here is my results.
- Siteground – 150ms
- WPX – 80ms
- BlueHost – 90ms
- – 30ms
- Cloudways – 40ms
So, is the best one. Unfortunately, their price plans very ugly and very limited in number of sites and traffic per each plan. So, currently I can recommend Cloudways Hosting has some option to choose Server provider. I tried 3: Linode, Vultr, AWS. And for me, best TTFB was on AWS. Especially, it’s great because this server is autoscalable. You can downgrade or upgrade at any time. This is very useful if you have e-shop, because usually each shop can have highly increased traffic on holidays and sale days.
By the way, with this new hosting, I made 100 score on my complex page with videos, Lottie, animations, sliders.

Send us a link, we will give you recommendations to get a high score for free.
These are the main things that you can do with site. Usually, after all steps you will get A grade. Of course, there are many possible reasons why you can’t get it and they are individual for each site. If you want – you can hire me to check your settings and optimize your site.
These methods are good for most hostings, shared and VPS. If you have a high load project, you maybe need some another method with server optimization. For example, settings for Nginx + Memcache.
[…] Also, we have great article how to increase speed of site with cache functions […]
Great post. Best edit to .htaccess I have found on the net.
I can’t find option for the fontawesome, it is not there. Is there anything wrong with me? O.o
In latest versions you don’t need to do this. It’s made by default
Thanks for this wonderful post I think that we must take steps to make our wordpress blog fast to load as possible because Google now considers blog speed as one of the major ranking factor.
Awesome guide. I agree with you about the Google’s PageSpeed and I think GTmetrix is good enough, for me at least.
What about AMP, does Rehub supports the mobile standard of AMP?
this doesn’t depend on theme. Use official wordpress AMP plugin for this
Thank you. Your theme is nice
Website is running very slowly, I’m using it on vps
need details
I tried EWWW Image Optimizer plugin and after installing it was showing fatal error. Is it happening due too conflict with other plugin? I had WP-Optimize plugin before I installed EWWW Image Optimizer.
what error do you have?
Can next update of rehub is a light weight theme ? I only need a simple theme with content egg templates and top pages. It would be great if rehub have an option for choosing a light weight child theme ?
it’s already not heavy weight theme.
I have already used it. Really awesome theme, thanks so much.
how to manage cookie free domains notification in GTmetrix?
You must use CDN for this and special settings for domain. Ask your hoster how to do this
I used Litespeed Cache, it so good
I am not a much coding person so I use WProcket results are good loads around 2 sec
Yes, WP Rocket is simple and easy to use, I’m using it on my business site 🙂
Thank you for sharing code. Litespeed is so good
Question, just i just copy and paste the htaccess and replace the one that is already in place?
No, don’t delete anything from .htaccess. Just add new code in bottom
Hello wpsouladmin,
I’ve 500 Internal Server Error after insert your code to htaccess
What I need to do?
ps using your rehub theme
I guess because you deleted all content which was in this file. You must add code after content of file
It’s really a nice theme. Thanks you
Is it true that some wordpress themes can’t optimize because of their JavaScript and Css?
themes can have different number of css and javascript, but all of them can be optimized, so, it’s not true
Great code, my wordpress site speed better
Nice post. It’s show me how to make my site faster.
I use all the requirements of you, but my web only reached 5s. And how can you optimize the speed?
it’s depending on your site. Check your plugins, number of taxonomies, ads scripts, check external requests
Glad to hear your response very soon.
Currently, my web has 31 plugins, so is not much you?
We are using the RehuB theme and running the affiliate. Does this slow down the page load process?
Thank you very much!
yes, 31 is too much. But it’s depending on plugins. Some can be very small, some can be very huge, anyway, 31 is too much
Great information. we can easily reduce the website loading speed by using the low plugins.
Thank you for sharing, my website is better now
Awesome guide. Thank you!
Great post .Thank for your sharing
Nice post, Great code, my wordpress site speed better, thanks
The hosting plays an important role also, is it right?
Weak hosting can destroy all efforts. Even very good optimized site will not work fast on weak hosting
Hi shazam,
Related to the “Remove Query Strings From Static Resources” plugin. Do it makes website become slow and CPU, Physical Memory Usage of hosting full? I have checked Review about this plugin and some comments not good about it.
Plugin can’t slow down site by itself. It can only improve points on GTmetrix and other services.
Hi, I’m using LiteSpeedCache. Do you think this is a good choice? I’ve used W3 Total Cache and Super Cache but it doesn’t work too much for me.
you can check site on gtmetrix to compare it.
Thank you so much. With me this is the best choice compared to the others.
Nice post and Great Code, my blog speed better. Thanks your share
In our site we are facing Slow page loading and site performance on is not so good as Page is loading on 8-9 seconds with page request 132.
We have added Wp-rocket but not getting any speed improvement.
Currently we are facing the following issues With Yslow Score-61%
1)Make fewer HTTP requests
2)Add Expires headers
3) Use cookie-free domains
4)Reduce the number of DOM elements.
Also Page Speed Score-58%
1)Serve scaled images
2)Optimize images
3)Defer parsing of JavaScript
4)Avoid bad requests
5)Leverage browser caching
How to improve the Overall Page Score?
If you use wp rocket, please, write to author of plugin. They have own support and can help you. Here we described another plugins which we tested
google updates web speed part in google SEACH consel , SO i see my web
web has dropped sharply
there is no new requirements in google, recommendations are the same, all things in this article is working as must have on all sites. There are few new recommendations like Eliminate Render blocking and use webp images, we will add some new info about this soon, currently we do some tests
wow, Tour speed guide is actually very worthy than what i found on other websites.
The major speed issue is with render-blocking, deferring CSS and also parallel we need to make sure the WordPress loading and visuals are not affected, I have tried so many WP speed optimizaTION PLUGINS, but in most of them, there is issues for Fonts, layouts, and CSS.
Now as you have explained it briefly, this would be very easy for us,.
Thank you again for sharing such a valuable and also you have created the Best theme in the world; Rehub,
From directory to Ecommerce, reviews, multi-vendor and NOW the new coupons demo.
It is just amazing.
looking forward to more new demos and updates from your side.
Hi there, great post – just wondering if the Critical CSS option is no longer available in the Rehub theme? I can’t find it. Also do you still recommend Autoptimize after years?
you don’t see option because you use outdated Rehub framework plugin
Using Version 2.0 of Rehub framework and can’t find the option for critical css either.
actual version is 2.7
OK..But how do I update – Tried to reupload the current theme but it won’t let me and in the plugins section there is no way to update the rehub framework plugin. Sry for the dummy question
alright after installing the envato marketplace plugin and getting a token i was able to update thx!
Hello, Enable critical CSS option not showing in REHUB theme optins> Global enable/disable
Please see it, as i am using caching plugin and my site is having a loading issue for just a sec,,, as showin in your image.
I am using REDEAL version./
please check it.
Hi, I tried using Rehub’s critical css and I still saw css flashes, and some pages weren’t loading. Is there any way to perfect it?
Rehub critical css feature allow to fix header glitch, headings, colors and layout structure. If you use some kind of custom elements like Page builder’s elements, you need to add additional css for your custom elements
I’ve also published a similar post on website speed optimization, where I share few more settings to speed up your website speed.
You can read it here:
I will leave your comment with link, because it’s good article. But you made whole tutorial around WP Rocket and Asset Clean PRO plugins, both of them are paid plugins. My solution does the same but with free plugins
What is your solution?
It’s described in this article
Hi, because SiteGround has its own optimization plugin.
Can you introduce how to optimize the rehub theme speed with the Siteground host?
This worked for me. Now my website score for Google Page is 97 for desktop and 75 for mobile which is great! Thank you Sizam!
Thank you, I have checked the speed of my website. It is really different from google speed insight.
I am using REHUB theme and my site got 100 point page speed and 99 point for Yslow. See the result here
Check the site here
Install a lot of plugins, so it’s possible to optimizing rehub theme
Thanks for this post I check it every time when you add some extra details.
I’ve a little problem with Inline and Defer CSS. I use Rehub (the option is enabled for critical css) with autoptimize and WP fastes Cache plugin. When I set autoptimise as you described seems not loading critical CSS files so even the style – I see just a raw page for 3-4 seconds and after it is ok. If I remove checkbox from Inline and Defer CSS and check back point 3 it is working well again. Do you have any idea what the problem is? My score is 84/72 in Gtmetrix.
that’s because WP fastest cache is not compatible with Autoptimize, they do the same job
Nice, thank you. In this case I’m looking for an other one. I red that many people use them both but in this case use badly.
Hi guys, this is the results I get with Rehub theme on my website :
I’m using WPRocket with Defer CSS only, Rehub’s critical CSS and CloudFlare for minify CSS, HTML, JS.
I don’t focus on getting the perfect score but more on the loading speed. If you have any advice to improve it, please share it below 😀
The website is actually using the demo “Redirect”, have a look it’s really beautiful : CiroAPP
As soon as I activate Optimize JavaScript, no more images are displayed on my page. What could be the reason for this and how do I solve the problem.
you can try to disable option for inline JS. Or try to disable plugins one by one
By applying everything you listed above I got good results. But, I did one experiment with two types of hosting. free and paid hostings. I got to know that by using this plugins and setting my free hosting performance increases up to 35% that’s great enough!. Even GtMatrix score of free hosting site is comes to 78% from 56%.
Hi there! Beautiful blog post on page speed. We were able to take it from 20 to 40 points in less than an hour by following your tips 🙂
Keep the good work coming! And thanks for the information 🙂
Thanks for sharing this wonderful information. AutOptimize plugin is better than WP fastest cache.
Great post, but I think, you should also mention about the CDN such as cloudfront, as they will help you in increasing your site speed and even reduces various DNS request.
Whats your views on this?
this is right, we want to make separate post about cloudflare. But, in most cases, especially if you have small number of pages – don’t use CDN, it will give more harm than value. Especially, it’s problem if you have local site oriented on special region. CDN can kill speed of such site, because local users can have too long ping to server of CDN.
Thank you very much for clarifying the issue of page loading speed. I have a question, is it possible to optimize a website that is not based on wordpress in a similar way?
Thank you in advance for your answer
you can use .htaccess rules from this article, it should work for any site
Hey, I wonder how can I remove the leverage browser caching issue with analytics and adsense JS files.
You can’t remove this because you can’t control, cache or optimize external scripts
Will it work for video downloading websites??
Yes, but also, you will need some solutions for lazy load for videos
Which cache plugin is the best in your opinion?
wp rocket cache if you have money for pro version
After enabling JS (from any caching plugin (for me WPRocket)) the page speed score id increasing high but the homepage of (REDOKAN) is breaking down!
Would you please advice how can I resolve this?
you can write to our support if you need help
Anyone can provide me LiteSpeed Cache settings? I am unable to achieve a good score on the Google Speed test. If you are getting a good rating above 50-60 on mobile then please share your setting.
Helo, I tried using Rehub’s critical css and I still saw css flashes, and some pages weren’t loading. Is there any way to perfect it?
it’s depending on content. It’s not possible to make critical css for all content. If you see big flashing, better to disable option as we see that CLS affecting score more then render blocking now
I use elementor PRO + rehub. For header and footer I use the elementor design. Is it an error?
Also use elementor´s pop-up for get leads with forms on exit or similar. I have a great hosting, cache system etc, but think this is ruining performance. Do you recommend any plugin for popups to obtain leads? have the pop-up and header with elementor do you think have a big impact on performance?
Last question, In your last demo, Re_digit are you using system fonts? You disable google fonts but what font do you use instead? (sorry perhaps its a silly question) .:`/
Yes, this will reduce perfomance. Elementor can give you extremely great customization options but price for this is speed of site.
2. We don’t use external fonts in theme. We made a special fallback font set that is similar to Helvetica and the theme tries to see which font is installed on user’s system and show it if it’s available directly from system without font request
1) any popup pluging suggestion that not kill performance?
2) really cool
theme has Popup button shortcode if you need some simple popups. All popup plugins are heavy
Awesome guide. I used wprocket is also good, new version of WProcket is so good.
Hello, try same for newspaper by tag div, ty!
it’s working for all themes. Difference only in that fact that in our Rehub theme we enabled core optimizations and you don’t need to use extra plugins or settings to improve separate parts of site. Also, in some themes good speed is not possible at all due to ways how they made. For example, if they use custom fonts, big icon fonts, huge css, js sizes, no lazy loading, etc
But in general, what do you think about the newspaper, is it worth relying on it given the new optimization rules from google? Do you think I can get past web vitals? At the moment it seems impossible for me and I am really thinking about adopting the rehub theme.
I didn’t use it, so can’t give you 100% answer. But it’s one of top magazine theme, I guess, it’s fast enough
I’m thinking of using rehub for a tech news / geek site, do you think it fits? I see that it is quite optimizable, also bring frequent updates, you will definitely help the theme users to pass the web vitals.
Before buying the theme I have a few questions:
1. Can the first page be more optimizable? I’m thinking of some modern blocks for a news site.
2. Do you have information if I use Google Adsense and Analityics if the site goes beyond web vitals?
Thanks for all the answers above.
Yes and we have many special functions for this type of site. I can even tell you more. Theme was built especially for geek review site when it was first released.
1. It’s good question. We added many optimizations for homepage, like lazy load background, special lazy load videos and playlists, lazy load images. But two things which should be mentioned. We use Elementor now for homepages and it doesn’t have good speed. However, we are working on our Gutenberg page builder. The most important parts are ready, but we need near 2 month for first release. Anyway, if you will use optimized images and content, you can expect to have over 90 for desktop and over 70 for mobiles even on complex homepages via Elementor and Rehub
2. Yes, it will affect a lot. We found some plugins which can load them on fly, testing now, we will update this tutorial if they have any improvements for speed
Thank you very much for all the answers, I have one more question. I have a tech / news site, could I make the front page look like a news site, tutorials, and others like big tech sites? If so, what demo do you have and also what blocks can I use? I did not find anywhere any news site with your theme, also no demo, I would like to know what blocks you have and what demos you also have for site news.
usually, Remag demo is used for this
Currently, I don’t remember links on examples of tech blogs. Here, maybe some links on blogs for other niche
Hellow I use Rehub with wp rocket, autoptimize and nginx server on plesk and Lazy Load no work, every plugin i try lazy load no work, I tested lazy load on other server and work fine. What is problem?
Helo, I tried using Rehub’s critical css and I still saw css flashes, and some pages weren’t loading. Is there any way to perfect it.
disable defer css parsing, it’s not required now
Is all of this compatible with Adsense?
Mysite show: Background and foreground colors do not have a sufficient contrast ratio.
I don’t understand
It means that you added, for example, dark background and dark text and container, so, it has no contrast and hard to read
Big post offer block in top posty layout does not support webp format.
How to solve this problem?
It supports webp format
Finally touched 99% gtmetrix using generatepress theme and your methods. Thanks again. Users go for it, You will achieve good speed
How to resolve CLS Issue ?
It depends on site and content. Usually, it’s because of wrong cache settings or when you change order of style loading. Or if you have scripts in first screen
I have question, will it harm image quailty?
No, images will have the same quality
How to resolve CLS Issue ?
It’s depending on your site. Check google report and you will find element with biggest CLS
Great post,
What has your experience been like with content delivery networks like Cloudfront?
I know others who have sworn that this has increased their site speed while also reducing DNS requests.
yes, cloudfront is great for speed
I am using WP rocket but still my sites is falling in core vital score.
Any guide to fix and improve this?
better to ask author of plugin. Wp rocket is best paid cache plugin
Using an image plugin to reduce the image loading time in order to increase the website speed. I saw that the speed increased by 30%. Although, the hosting server is playing a crucial role to increase the WordPress site speed.
hello, what free cache plugin you recomand in if i use last rehub framework , and remart template ?
It’s described in this article
I am using Rehub with Elementor,
Shall I update to new and do it with Greenshift?
I want to know, I also have Gutencon purchased, So is Gutencon needed if I install Greenshift?
And Even if using Greenshift animation and jquery, will the website be faster?? please help.
Replacing Elementor with Greenshift will improve performance. Gutencon is similar to SEO addon of Greenshift. So maybe you don’t need it. To extend theme, better to buy Query Addon of Greenshift. Animation addon already included in theme bundle