Step by step guide for creating affiliate website with Rehub theme

In this article, we will show you some tips and all settings which can be helpful for creating profitable affiliate website. You need to have Rehub theme for this tutorial
Woocommerce or Posts
Our theme supports both ways to add offers: for woocommerce and for posts. Do you have any doubts what to use? Well, it’s simple choice. If you want site to be more like recommendations, with reviews and content – better to use Posts. If you want site to be more like catalog with comparisons, filters, specifications – better to use Woocommerce. If you need price Comparison site – use woocommerce. We added new separate guide to make price comparison sites on Woocommerce
Types of sites and strategies
Before you start a site, you need to know that there are several types of affiliate sites. You can mix all of them in one site or concentrate on one type. Our theme supports all of them.
In few words, logic of affiliate sites can be next:
- Deal affiliate site (the same as shop, but has external links instead of “add to cart” button)
- Coupon site (usually, the same as deal site, but also has coupon codes and expiration date of post)
- Comparison site (when each product has several links on different shops with different prices)
- Comparison directory – it’s deal site, but you compare specification of different products instead of price comparison
- Recommendation site – the same as deal site, but has more content where you recommend something. Usually, such sites also have Expert’s and User’s reviews.
- Deal communities – the main difference from regular Deal site is that users can also submit deals, has own profile, reputation system.
- Expert blogs – it’s the same as recommendation site, but has articles from one or several experts and deep research of niche.
Depending on type of site, there are also different technical logic. Usually, sites can be:
- Manual posting (when you post each article manually)
- Autoposting (when you use some kind of autopilot instruments, schedule posting, etc)
- Bulk import (when you make bulk import of deals, usually from xml product feed, which you can get from affiliate systems)
Also, site can be about one niche of products or multi niche.
To get money from site, you need to use shop’s affiliate programs or register in one of CPA networks.
As I wrote, our theme supports all of affiliate type of sites and several instruments(plugins) for affiliate sites.
I will show now more details for each type of site.
What is deal site? It’s site where each Post item has one offer. This is the easiest type of site and you can try it on start. There are several ways in theme to add offers on deal site.
Manual creating of deals
If you have very unique deals and not a big number of deals – you can use manual adding deals. For this, use Post offer section of post. When you add post offer section, theme will save data and assign Offer data to post, so, you can use some extended functions.
Also, theme has special Gutenberg blocks for affiliate
Bulk adding from product xml feed
Instead of adding deals one by one, you can add them in bulk. You need to have product feed in XML or CSV. Where to get them? You can find product feed in your affiliate network which you want to use to get the affiliate commission. Then, you can use bundled plugin which are made special for deal sites.
Adding offers with Content Egg or Affiliate Egg
You can know details about plugins in docs: Affiliate Egg and Content Egg. We recommend to use these plugins, because they are from our partners and we also take a part in their development and make advanced combinations with plugins. This means, that CE and AE are not required for deal sites, but can give you more functions and save some time.
By using this link, a discount coupon will be automatically added before purchase
So, logic in plugin is next. Add text, use keyword to search deals inside enabled modules, choose offer which you want to add to post(you can choose one or several), then save post. You will see that Post offer section will be filled automatically with data of offer.

Content Egg uses API of affiliate systems and search inside API by keywords. After you choose deal, you can also use different output shortcodes to place offer inside post. There are also some Post layout in theme, special for Deal sites which enables another Post design (read details below).
Frontend affiliate search in Content Egg
When you use Content Egg, you can add each deals to post. WordPress searches by titles of posts but what if you want to have such search form which can show results from affiliate networks directly (without creating posts for each deals). This is possible with Content Egg now and Frontend Search function.
First of all, you need to create two things – page with search form (or widget) and page for results.
Creating search form
There are several ways to show affiliate search form. First option is using widget CE:Product search (find it in Appearance – Widget). It has the same styling as standard wordpress widget. Just place widget in sidebar.
Second way is to use Content Egg shortcode
Shortcode will generate standard wordpress search form, but which will send users on special page with results from affiliate modules instead of wordpress search page. This shortcode has also the same design as standard wordpress search
Third way – special theme shortcode
It will generate big search form which is good for special landing pages. I recommend this way as it’s more styled and interesting. You can combine this shortcode with page builder modules, also, there are several ready templates which can fit to this shortcode. Also, shortcode supports several parameters to change label and placeholder
[rh_ce_search_form placeholder="Change placeholder" label="Change label"]
Next step which you need to do is setup page for output results. Theme has already special styled page for this. You can set output layout for results in settings of plugin. For this, go to Content Egg – Settings – General and add output shortcode to textarea Search page template. I recommend to use there common shortcodes of Content Egg. Best for me are
[content-egg-block template=offers_list]
[content-egg-block template=offers_logo]
[content-egg-block template=custom/all_offers_logo]
[content-egg-block template=custom/all_offers_list]
[content-egg-block template=custom/all_offers_grid]
Use only one of these shortcodes. Also, you must enable modules which will be used while searching. I don’t recommend to use too much modules, because it can be very slow. Here one of possible demo of affiliate frontend search
Autoblog of Content Egg or Affiliate Egg
Check our new article about Autoblog and sites on Autopilot with Rehub theme
You can convert your deals to coupons. For this, you can add coupons in Coupon field in Post offer section

By default, coupon code will be visible near button. You can also make coupon as “revealed” button. So, user must click on such button to open coupon. For this, also enable Mask coupon code option in Post offer section. Also, you can send expiration date of coupon.
Read more about Coupons in docs
How to disable inner pages
Our buyers ask us how to create such site as thisiswhyiambroke or similar, where all links from each ite, goes to affiliate website instead inner posts.
It’s easy with our theme. Go to theme option – loop customization and enable Option “Affiliate links instead inner”. Please, note. This functions is working only for Deal list, Deal Grid.
Repick child theme has also option to enable links separately for title and image in Theme option – repick option and it’s working for regular Grid of Repick theme
Our theme has several different Post layouts which can be helpful for Deal or Coupon site
Post layouts
Check how to set Post Layout. Theme has some ready Post layouts which are good for deal posts. They are:
Compact (Recash style)

Button in Corner (Repick style)

Big Post offer in top

You can set different post layouts for each post in right Panel of post or set default global post layout in Theme option – post layout.
Gutenberg AutoContent


There are some other layouts which you can combine with offer blocks. But if you want to have something fast, better to use ready post layouts
Connecting Post to Woocommerce product
If you have review post and separate Woocommerce product and you want to import data of this product in Post, you can use Gutenberg Woocommerce Box module

Adding offers for such sites is the same, the difference is only in visual presentation.
Usually, for such sites, you will need to add reviews to each post and some offer blocks. Read about powerful Review and User Review functions of theme.
When you add Reviews to post, you can use special Post Layout “Offer and review score”.
If you want to add several Review boxes or several Pros and Cons boxes, please use Reviewbox from Gutenberg

Another useful things for review sites is Automatic table of content in top of page (the same as on this page). We have 3 different panels for this + there is Table of Content block in Gutenberg
Deal communities
Difference between deal communities and deal sites is that the community has a function to submit deals by users. Theme has many community options which are based on bundled RH Frontend PRO plugin and Buddypress. You can find information about basic user options in docs.
First thing which you need – choose layouts for categories. Go to theme option – general – archive layouts to do this. Theme has many variants for archives, and there are many special like deal grid, deal lists, community lists which can be useful on affiliate sites.
For the home page, you need to use page builder. Currently theme has support for several page builders: Elementor, WP Bakery and Gutenberg. Please, note, that ready templates are available only for Elementor and Gutenberg. Don’t forget to enable full width on such homepages, usually buyers forget this.
There are some interesting tips which you can use for home pages with page builder.
Featured section
For top deals, I prefer to use Featured area module or Deal full width carousel module
Filter panel
When you use page builder, you can add filter panel to post modules. Usually, I use next parameters in filter panel
Label = Sort by price; Type of filter = meta field; Key for meta = rehub_main_product_price
Label = Most popular; Type of filter = meta field; Key for meta = rehub_views
Label = Hottest; Type of filter = meta field; Key for meta = post_hot_count
Label = Sort by discount; Type of filter = meta field; Key for meta = _rehub_offer_discount
Adding custom badges and sort by them
You can add different badges to each post with badge system.
Inserting ads between post elements in loop
This will work only if you don’t have filter panel and pagination in module. For example, you want to add ads block after 3 post. Add post module and add Fetch count as 3 in Data settings. Then, add ads with module HTML widget, also you can add additional margins with module Empty space.
How to create store pages
You will see that most of deal sites has special page for shops. For example, page where you can find all deals from Amazon, Ebay, etc. You can enable this for theme in Theme option – Affiliate – Enable brand(store) taxonomy for posts. After this, you will have additional panel in each post

It’s working the same as category pages. To edit such page, go to Posts – Deal store – Edit. Each store can have additional description before and after loop and logo. I recommend to add content in description fields to have good seo for such pages, otherwise, they are useless.
In description fields, you can use any html including heading.
Each store page also has additional widget area which is different from sidebars on other pages of site. You can find this area in Appearance – Widgets – Deal store archive sidebar. Everything which you add to this widget area – will be visible only on Deal store pages. For example, it’s good to show there other shops in random order. For this, use text widget and place shortcode
<div class="rh-cartbox">
[wpsm_tax_archive taxonomy="dealstore" type="logo"]
this will show all other stores and their logos. if you have many stores and want to show just 5 of random shops – use code
<div class="rh-cartbox">
[wpsm_tax_archive taxonomy="dealstore" type="logo" random="1" limit="5"]
How to create alphabetical archive of all stores
Create new page and use shortcode
[wpsm_tax_archive taxonomy=dealstore]
You have some additional parameters in shortcode. Check them here
Creating top pages can be one of best conversion feature on your site, because people like Top of products by different keys. You can choose best reviewed products, most popular or create season tops. Theme has many interesting features for this.
Using Top Listing builder
Theme has many different variants of Listings. Some of them can be created based on posts/products and some are static (it means that you don’t need to create separate posts for each item). Currently we recommend to use our Gutenberg blocks for listings.
You can find some details in next videos
Using Top lists
You can automatically divide page about several products with Top list autocontent. It’s the same as table of contents, but has special “List” style. Demo / Details
How to create Price Range, Most discounted, Most popular pages
In last version of theme we added one more useful function. You can create now Price range pages. Means that you can create, for example, page where will be deals only with price less than $20. Or with range of prices, you can use ranges even in Filter panel
To show price range on page, add any post module on page with page builder. Then, use next option
For WP Bakery Page Builder

In Elementor

In Gutenberg

If you want to show most discounted products – use Discount filter as on screenshot.
As you see, you can combine also with ordering option and show, for example, best rated deals under $20.
The same is available in Filter panel, so, you can use tabs, like

You can even combine tabs with category filter and create page for best deals special for category, brand, store, etc.
I recommend you to create several pages with same logic, add additional Seo content before and after post modules, then, create menu in Appearance – Menu and group all such pages in menu. You can show it as main menu or in widget with Rehub: Better menu widget. See example from one site. (How to create Mega menu)

There are some widgets which you may need for deal sites. You can find them in Appearance – Widgets. Usually, you will need next widgets: Rehub: Ajax Tabs, Rehub: Deal of Day, Rehub: Top offers.
Additional widgets which can be helpful: Rehub: Sticky on scroll (allows to stick widget when you scroll page, useful for banners, ads), Rehub: Tabs (2 tabs widges which can include posts, categories, comments, tags), Rehub: Better Menu.
If you need to show something only on inner pages of deals – use widget Rehub: Only in Posts
If you need some text, ads or shortcode – use Text widget
If you created Top pages and want to show links on them in sidebar, do next steps. Go to Appearance – Menu and create new menu. Add pages which you want to show in list to this menu. Now, in Appearance – widgets add Rehub: Better menu widget and choose your custom menu. You can choose also styling for this list block.
If you need sliding panel widget – use plugin Slidebars
As you see above, theme uses Posts for deals. We made this, because Posts is most light and default post type of wordpress. Means that you can easily use additional plugins to extend inner pages. But, it’s very often, when you want to make separate Article section on site. Maybe for some guides. You can easily enable this in Theme option – Affiliate – Enable separate blog post type.
What if you want to show this section on Homepage? It’s easy, use page builder and do next settings in any of Post modules

What if you also want to include latest 5 blog posts in your sidebar? Use Text widget and next shortcode
[wpsm_recent_posts_list data_source="cpt" post_type="blog" show="5" image="1"]
More details in depth can be found in documentation
There are also some other settings which can help in your site. They are not only for deal sites, they are useful for all sites
Seo Settings
By default, wordpress is not best optimized CMS for seo, but it’s easy to make it so with some plugins. Read our step by step guide for improving Seo for site
Speed and caching
Again, by default wodpress is not cached and if you check your site on any speed tool, you will get near 50-60 points from 100. usually, I do 3 minute steps to improve this. It’s working for me in 100% to get near 90-95 points. Check our article how to improve speed of wordpress
Do you want to have maximum speed for mobiles? You will love our AMP customizations for deal sites
Schema types
Theme uses several schema types in posts. We use Product schema for Deal posts. You can also try our secret experimental schema type. Hurry up, because google can close it soon. Check about schema types in theme
Category settings
You can add additional content on category pages, add special category color, second description (under posts) and even category banner or ads. Go to Posts – Category – Edit and edit any category to see fields. I recommend to optimize each category pages and add description and second description to each category. You can use html tags in descriptions. Don’t forget to add some headings in h1. Example
<h1>Amazon Discount Tips</h1>
Amazon is the largest online retailer in the United States with more than 60+ million subscribers to their Prime membership, which offers free shipping, streaming music, movies and other extras for $99 per year. For a more in-depth look into how to maximize your Prime membership, check out our Amazon Prime benefits guide.
There are lots of ways to save when you’re shopping on Amazon
Second description is placed under posts and has 30% opacity. You can use this field to add some seo description (which is not important for users, but good for seo spiders.
You can also add filter panel if you use Recash or Rewise child theme (in Repick, they are enabled by default) in Theme option – general option – Category filter panel
How to add update block directly in Category pages

To add such block, you need to add update shortcode in your post content
To do this, add shortcode block to page and click on update notice shortcode.
[wpsm_update date="2021.12.21" label="Update"]
Your content
Add some content inside update notice. Then, in theme options – general – archive layout select Community List module. Only this post layout supports update notice shortcode.
How to add cashback notice
You can attach an additional notice to deal layouts

Please, read about cashback notice in our article
It is a very detailed tutorial, really helpful for us each time we have a question while using REHub theme. Great thanks to the author!
The tutorial would be even better if you can add a topic explaining in a detailed manner how to use MDTF to get a detailed search filter, as showed on the following page (by the MDTF’s author himself):
Nowsaday the value of a website depend largely on its products/posts filter capacity, to allow users to find exactly and rapidly what he/she needs. That’s why such a topic will be very appreciated.
For MDTF we have tutorials
But, currently, it’s impossible to create such filters automatically, we are thinking how to do this.
Thank you. Yes, MDTF is a good plugin, but without a more detailed tutorial it is difficult to create a product search filter like this:
for product search is not difficult. You can check our tutorials. Difficult to add such filters automatically without manual adding of data to each product
Hi, can I use the Front End Search shortcodes on the REHub – Hybrid Magazine, Shop, Review HTML Template
what shortcodes do you mean?
I suppose my question is, does the functionality these short codes provide only work on the’ REHub – Price Comparison, Affiliate Marketing, Multi Vendor Store, Community Theme’ or do they also work on the ‘REHub Hybrid Magazine, Shop, Review HTML Template’.
REHub Hybrid Magazine, Shop, Review HTML Template is not wordpress theme, you can’t use it with plugin
rh_ce_search_form is only shortcode for Rehub
content-egg-search-form will work in any wordpress theme
is this comply with amazon tos to use content egg?
you can set price update period less than 24 hours. this will work with amazon tos
Hi, I am interested to buy REHub – Price Comparison theme but i want a person who install this theme and make all configuration and setting for me. If anyone provide this service, Plz. inform me i well pay for his services.
installation is easy. check docs
tell me how to display subcategories on category pages?
for woocommerce – you can do this in customizer. For post – I think that this requires additional Query addon for Greenshift
Hey admin, I’m a rehub noob. What is the best place to learn it in detail with advice for affiliates?
can i remove the a-soul all rights reserved from the bottom of the theme.
theme option – footer option
how do i edit the social media icons that are in the posts beside post name in recash theme?
If you need custom sharing, disable theme’s share option in theme option – global enable/disable and use any social share plugin of wordpress
affiliate window and zanox have joined to become awin. will you develop a new module?
They still use Affiliate Window api, use it. When they change, we also will change it
Hello, I have tried everything but am not able to do this please help me. How to add this BUY IT NOW button on homepage in recash theme. Please check these images and tell.
on recash demo they are disabled. edit page, edit deal grid module, in options of module you will find option to disable/enable buttons
unticked this still not working
send link on site
already done this but still its not working
Hello, thanks for the tutorial, am new with rehub and content egg and its a bit confusing.
I creating an eCommerce store from Amazon. when I use autoblogging to import products I get this error. “Required module Amazon will not run. The module is not configured or deleted.” I have uninstalled reinstalled but nothing is changing. please guide me.
You must have enabled Amazon module and set all keys
Thanks for the quick response. I have enabled the module and set up all the keys.
But there is no change.
I like very much the search form [rh_ce_search_form] but i would like the design to be different, example: product to show up in grid and the photos to be larger and when the costumer cliks on title of photo than to give the possibility to see more photos and long description so the costumer stays in my website till they decided to buy the product , just when they click on buy product then go to affiliate site. Is this possible to achieve?
Thanks in advance.
yes, but you will need custom output template for this
wow this full documentation helps us a lots to make our site batter . thank u very much. very nice theme
I want to change the Login/Signin button icon (available in Menu and header) from fa-signin to fa-user. How can I achieve that? I mean which theme file contains those codes so that I can edit them?
Please, write on support page in TF comments
nice guide and awesome theme that you provided. After viewing the theme i used it pro version on my website first time and it looks great man. Thanks to you.
HI, I know someone who use your template, so I bought her also.
but I cant understand how to built site in that concept:
can you give me direction how to do this?
Thank you
in my rehub theme in wordpress page “Buy Product” button showing only when mouse over but i want to show “Buy Product” button always visible.
Please, write on theme’s support page for any bug reports
I am using Static page that’s a page from visual page builder as my homepage but some times if I try to configure page through theme option, it will not reflect. Why
Like i enable take to affiliate link when click on the image and title link and it’s rewise compact grid but it’s not reflecting.
Page builder modules are custom modules. You can enable these options in option of module. Click to edit module in page builder and check tabs for these options
hello everyone ,
After adding the selected products to the cart on my website, I want to automatically transfer them to the Amazon basket. (When users click on the pay cart without a member on my site, the automatic Amazon Basket will be formed and paid). Can I do it with Rehub & Content egg?
Woozone plugin exists but I do not want to use it.
You will need plugin Woozone for this
How to hide expired coupon posts, I add CSS: article .rh-expired-class {display: none;}, but it is not available.
theme option – affiliate – hide expired
Can I use this Autoblog with CE+AE along with multi-vendor WCFM using ReCash theme ?
No, use other way for this
Can I mix or choose functionalities from ReCash and ReCart?
It is said that, “Please, note, that starting from 9.0 version, all functions were merged to core of Rehub, child themes are not required now.”
Hi, I like to convert my current website to Coupon+Recommendation+Deal Communities Site, is there any tutorials or step by step instructions for this? Thanks very much.
You will need Export/Import addons, we provide this but only for official buyers
I am using Static page that’s a page from visual page builder as my homepage but some times if I try to configure page through theme option, it will not reflect
you need to write to official support on Themeforest
hello wpsoul team
I joined your program recently and I am happy about that
But I encountered some problems and I do not know how to solve them
For the wordpress site and I am working with this plugin:Content Egg WP Plugin»
Aliexpress module – Content Egg Pro Plugin (
support of plugin is
Hi. Thanks for this information, am new to using rehub theme and content egg plugin. I am trying setting up of content egg in auto blog mode and I cannot figure out what controls the layout of the search results in auto blog mode, It is really getting me confused, is there a simple outlined guide of doing it?
Hi Sir, does this comply with Amazon TOS? I would love to use the Rehub theme.
Yes, it’s valid for Amazon rules. Please, note, that if you don’t use any plugin with price updates (like Content Egg), you need to remove price field and label on buttons must be like “Buy at”
If you use Content Egg PRO – all prices will be updated and all Amazon price disclaimers will be added automatically
I am facing issue. After clicking on reveal coupon button website show popup and there is a button Go to website . When i click on button it shows 404 page.My user didnt go to store’s website. Kindly guide me.
Please, write to support of theme, here we can’t provide support
Hi, Can i use single licence to create multiple sites?
One license can be used on 1 site. We provide also site packs. 4 for 2 licenses, 10 for 3 purchased licenses
Hi Wp Soul !
How Can we create Custon Archive For Deal grid?
You will need Query addon from Greenshift plugin, it’s not included in theme package Query addon
Can use rehub theme for subdomains?
it will require separate license