How to make Learning site with tutorials on Tutor LMS and Rehub theme

In this tutorial, I am going to show you some specific settings related to Rehub theme and Tutor LMS plugin to make best nice looking site with lessons, quizzes and tutorials.
After installation Rehub theme and Tutor LMS, you need to make few configurations. But before setup, make sure that you enabled Relearn Subset in theme options – general – theme subset

Setup basic pages for registration, dashboard, archives
First of all, go to Settings of Tutor LMS and make sure that you selected pages for dashboard, instructors and student registration.

Now, visit instructor and student registration pages. Go to Pages – all pages and find them, click to edit pages. Make sure that both pages have proper shortcodes in content and set them to be full width in page options

Create new page and call it somehow like “Archives”. Select it as Full width Content box in page options. Go to Tutor LMS – settings – courses, scroll down and select your new page as Archive page. I recommend also to enable filters and set 3 columns

If you want to show your courses also on Homepage, you can use shortcodes of Tutor LMS in page builder shortcode block
Make better header for leaning site
Now, we can improve our header and add there elements for learning sites. Go to theme option (or to customizer) and select header and menu options. Choose Logo + Menu in one row layout

I think it’s best layout, but you can use also other.
Once you enable this header layout, you can select few other options. If you plan to sell courses, enable Cart icon. Add also link to wishlist. If you didn’t change dashboard link, your wishlist page will have link /dashboard/wishlist/
If you plan to have registered users on site, enable Login/register section. If you need also separate button in header to register instructors, enable addition button and add link to registration page for instructors which you set on previous step

In header options, you can also enable search form and select Courses post type to show in search

Now, go to theme option – user options and enable user login modal

Make sure that you placed link to your student registration page in custom register link
Setup Woocommerce for shop
Tutor LMS allows you to sell courses, but you need to use Woocommerce or other shop plugins for this. There is documentation how to use products for this
Theme also has few special product layouts, which can be perfect to organize your shop (Sideblock Product layouts). Here is video how to select product layouts
Addition features
In theme option – user options you can also assign few additional links to the Instructor dashboard.

How it can be useful? For example, you want to allow instructors to add not only courses but also articles, coupons, etc. For this, you can make a new page, place Frontend submit form and assign a link to this page in theme options
Gutenberg blocks
If you add content from admin pages instead of frontend, you can also use special blocks from Gutenberg. We prepared few blocks which can be helpful for learning sites. It’s infoboxes, CTA blocks, itinerary block, list block
This is example, how it can look

But how to import courses from Udemy, skilshare etc?
Hello admin, Redigit demo isn’t opening.
You can use Affiliate Egg, External importer or bundled Import addon from Rehub – plugins
When will your new learning affiliate theme will come? Waiting for that :).
No, am not talking about that, you wrote coming soon,in that demo page so i asked when will that new theme come?
It was added half year ago
Hi, Will a layout or switch to block editor be made in layout relearn? or if it is possible, how you can add such blocks to Greenshift, we love this plugin, nice work.
All theme layouts will be available as core editor. But currently, Relearn is not ready so temporarily you need to use Elementor