Technical tips
How to make better web vitals for wordpress theme or plugin [check list for developers]

I decided to make post for other developers and for users who want to optimize their sites for better web vitals. In this post I want to explain what we made ...

Must have configuration steps for woocommerce shop

I see that many people do the same mistakes again and again, so, we decided to write common article about steps which you should do after Woocommerce ...

08/09/2020 Rehub Theme Notice
Some vendor plugins use My account page for vendor registration. But some plugins require to have separate page for vendor registration. Anyway, check documentation of vendor plugin if you want to allow users to register as vendors on your site. Copy link to page which you want to use as registration page and place it in Theme option – user option – custom register
How to fix wrong price sorting and filters in woocommerce

Some people struggle with problems in woocommerce functions for pricing. Wrong sorting, wrong price filters in widgets. I tried to find some solutions in ...

How to Optimize Page Speed in WordPress

Did you know that 53% of mobile visitors will abandon a web page it if doesn’t load within the first three seconds?  Moreover, around 70% of consumers ...

AMP posts – tips, technics and when to use

Last month we had very important fact - first time in history, mobile web had more unique visits that web. I guess, this trend will continue. This is why we ...

How to copy shortcodes and code snippets properly in wordpress

I found that many clients don't realize that visual mode of wordpress is working not as plain mode. So, when you copy something from other sites and paste ...

Monetizing community and multivendor sites, adding member subscriptions and restricted access

Today, we will discuss some ways how you can monetize your communities, directory and multivendor sites. You can use this for BuddyPress sites, for sites ...

Better perfomance for BuddyPress

I want to give you results of my investigation for increasing speed for BuddyPress sites. You can use the same for any of site on wordpress which has many ...

How to check speed of separate function in wordpress

Any developer of theme or plugin on php sometimes needs to check speed of custom function or even a part of code. Here simple solution.  ...

How to know what error do you have on wordpress site

I have near 5000 closed user's questions in support email now. Usually, people write something like "my page doesn't work, what I need to do". Then, I need to ...

5 plugins to protect WordPress against hacking and spam

WordPress - the most popular and demanded platform for blogging. I noticed that most of the bloggers do not pay such attention to the security of the website, ...

How to optimize Web Vitals on WordPress in 2021

Speed of sites on wordpress is one of the weak side of wordpress, because default wordpress cache system is very simple and not effective. But power of ...

10/04/2022 Update
I found that currently, many hosting provide their own plugins for minifications. For example, if you use Cloudways, they provide a very good Breeze plugin which has the same options for minifications but it works even better than Autoptimize. So, if your hosting provides own plugin, better to use it. If not - Autoptimize is good choice.
Wordpress optimization, monetizing tips and tricks