Examples of good technics for comparison, review, deal websites

After more than 2000 closed emails and support questions, I see that many people do the same mistakes when they start new comparison or deal sites. Strategy is very import here, so, I will try to answer on some questions and give you some best ideas + many examples for inspiration.
First and most common mistake – you are trying to copy other site
No matter how you do this. Usually, people do this in two ways.
- Most of you take some xml feeds from affiliate systems and just import 100000 products of not unique content. Problem here is that the same data will be used for millions of other sites which used the same affiliate system’s feeds. So, you create 100% not unique site and 100% affiliate website – two flags for google to ban you with speed of light.
- Some of you try to make copy of popular community websites, like slickdeals.net, toptenreviews, etsy.com. But, you spend just $50-$200 and expect to have the same functions. First of all, such websites have their own developer teams and pay them thousands of dollars to make functions on site unique. But this is not main problem. Even if you make all the same functions (this is possible with our themes) – you will not have the same community and promotions like on those sites. They have >10 years of history, millions dollars of investments and promotions. Want to have the same? Be ready to spend more than $10 000 just in start.
So, is there a way for people who don’t have big amount of money to start and don’t have big team of developers and designers?
Well, of course there are ways. Sometimes, people can get even $1000000 on their sites with just $100-$1000 of spending on start. How to do this?
Make your site useful for users
When you imported 100000 not unique products from xml feeds – this is not useful for your visitors. Because there are tons of the same and more popular websites than yours. But what if we will make niche or local site. For example, you will show only deals about one type of product. You will also add reviews, expert looks, comparisons about this product. Such site become much more valuable for users, because they can get all answers, deals and information about product type which they search. Such site is more valuable also for search engines, users will spend more time on such sites, they will ask questions, read different comparisons and finally, they will click on one of offer on your site. In most cases, you will get comission from such purchase.
So, my advice – don’t make sites “all about all”. Look on your site as visitor and think what you can give to visitor. Site must have main purpose.
Some examples.
Niche comparison site about babyphonesFunctions which you can use to build the same functions on our themes: Comparison charts, Content Egg and Affiliate Egg for offer blocks, Manual Specification builder or automatic specification from Flipkart Content Egg module
Gift siteYou can build similar site with our Rething or Repick child themes. To price update, you can use Content Egg, Affiliate Egg.
Niche dating comparisonThis site has many the same sites which are connected in net. It’s similar but effective site.
You can do the same functions with Top table builder of theme, static table maker + reviews. Also you can use our example for top pages
Instruction sitePeople always like instructions and they get good traffic. This site is made as community, so, you will need to make fake activity on start of such site. You can use Community functions of theme
Idea and niche is key of success.
Comparison Review siteThis is more advanced site. But you can do the same, but more niche website. You can use Content Egg plugin to make price comparison + Specification builder for post tabs + User reviews. In last theme version we added Post layouts which will help you to make site more quickly
In next article we will show you article how to make such sites more easy.
Make your content more valuable
I see that many people don’t get many attention to inner post content. Content looks ugly, no media, all text is placed as one block, it’s very hard to read such text. So, always add paragraphs, headings, add different formating, infoblocks, toggles. Always divide post on logical sections. Our themes have many content shortcode for this: higlights, infoboxes, title boxes, tabs, toggles, columns, etc. One of my most favorite thing is autocontents and top lists.
There are many other ways to make site valuable. For example, you can add specification comparison and search filters. We have big tutorial about directory sites
Thank you. This is really helpful and honest advice.
The example of “Gift Site” above is interesting.
How to create the “Price Range” on this page: https://www.thisiswhyimbroke.com/gifts/gifts-for-men, please?
Thank you.
currently, it’s not available by default, but I have plans to make tutorial for this
Thank you, I am waiting for that impatiently 😉
i thought to make a website, and i was lost, but with this article i intend make um specific website, thanks a lot of.
Well, My site is also about reviews keep doing the good work buddy