7 WordPress Plugins You Need for a better Posts

Okay, we get it.

You want the best content plugins to get ahead of the competition.

That’s smart. For two reasons, at least. The first one: searching the WordPress plugin directory is boring and time-consuming. In many cases, even if you find something good, there’s always deal-breakers like a lack of updates and poor reviews from users.

The second reason is that plugins can help to improve SEO and content performance. Why not automate things and focus on something more interesting, say, creative writing?

Yeah, sounds like you still need to do that search to find really good plugins. Well, good news: you don’t! Lucky for you, I’ve done that boring part. Below, find a treasure trove of great WordPress plugins to help with your content strategy.

Okay, let’s see how they can help you.

Table of Contents Plus

Why you should use it: help readers find through your long-form content easier.

Every content writer worth their salt knows that long-form content ranks better. That’s why writing 1,000+ word articles has become a norm in the content game today. Most blogs publish detailed, in-depth articles to rank for more keywords and get more traffic.

With Table of Contents Plus, you can help to make your long-form articles more accessible.

Instead of going through the entire post, a visitor can find at the table of contents and click on it. The section is easily available, which improves the overall content experience (which is exactly what Google wants from you)

P.s. If you are using our Re:Hub theme, you don’t need this plugin, because theme has everything for Table of Contents inside posts

Okay, so what’s the big deal here? Table of contents?

“Let’s be honest, most readers leave if they don’t find what they’re looking for, in, like a few seconds,”

says Claire Neylon, the head of the content department at GrabMyEssay. “So, by giving the post overview right away, you have a good chance to reduce the bounce rate.”

But there’s more: Table of Contents Plus does everything automatically. So, you’ll be able to save tons of time on this routine but important task.


Why you should use it: if you want to get into podcasting; add one more way to use your written content.

Podcasting is huge now. With 32 percent of Americans listening to them monthly, creating them can introduce you to a huge audience. Let’s suppose that you have a series of articles on video marketing. They’re really great, and you want to let
more people know about it.

If that sounds right, you need Play.ht and turn them into a podcast series! This plugin converts articles into high-quality audio so your audience can listen to them. It makes the audio available by automatically embedding a player at the top of each article.

P.s. If you use Re:Hub theme, you can upload your podcasts on Soundcloud, then, enable Audio post in Post types

In case if you want to build your site only around podcasts, you can use next list: Best Podcast Themes for 2020.

AMP for WP – Accelerated Mobile Pages

Why you should use it: make your website faster and improve SEO

When not to use: when your site is related to dynamic scripts, like filtering, comparison, shop.

You’ve probably heard about Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP), one of the latest technologies brought about by Google. To make websites faster on mobile devices, the search giant recommends creating AMP pages.

While you don’t need to do everything Google recommends, this one is a real deal. You need to do it. But there’s a little problem: creating AMP pages can be a bit challenging. To save you the trouble of going through this process, you can use the AMP for the WP plugin.

It does the job of adding the AMP functionality to your website automatically. It’s totally optimized for SEO and gives your content a better chance to rank higher.

You can choose to convert specific pages to boost their speed performance, too. Moreover, you can integrate AMP for WP with Google Analytics and track traffic and engagement.

Making your website faster is definitely good news for your content strategy. Thanks to the plugin, the people reading your content from mobile devices will have a much better experience and will be less likely to bounce.

If you use Re:Hub theme, here is tutorial about some additional features of theme for AMP

Hustle Marketing, Social Share, Email Opt-in Form, and Popup Plugin

Why you should use it: convert more visitors into leads with content by using lead generation forms.

Generating leads is one of the most common goals in content strategies. To convert as many visitors as possible you need to two things:

  • Amazing content
  • A lead generation plugin.

You should take care of the first one on your own – check out writing tools like Studicus, TrustMyPaper, and Grammarly if you need some help – but check out Hustle Marketing plugin for the second thing.

It allows you to equip your WordPress website with widgets, pop-ups, shortcodes, slide-ins, and other lead generation tools.

To make sure you’re getting leads and not bots, the plugin connects to Google ReCAPTCHA and filters out spam.

You can test and see what forms perform best and get more leads with your content.

Also, thanks to great personalization options, you can also customize the look of the lead generation forms.

In Re:Hub theme, you also has bonus Layer Popup plugin, you can download it in Rehub – Plugins section

Rank Math for SEO

Why you should use it: optimize content for featured snippets and keywords, integrate Google Search Console, and get access to 34 SEO tests.

Conduct a thorough content audit on your WordPress website and see how to improve SEO.

Here are Rank Math’s most useful features for business owners and bloggers:

  • Check for 404 pages with a built-in monitor
  • Local SEO tips to capture more traffic
  • Find LSI keywords to improve content performance
  • Track your keyword ranking in Google
  • Monitor the information about your website in Google Search Console without leaving WordPress
  • Optimize your posts for unlimited keywords
  • Optimize your content for featured snippets.

Rank Math has over 30 SEO tests you can use to conduct a complete SEO and content audit on your website.

Rank Math can be a goldmine of data and insights for your SEO team. If you need to plan, improve, or adjust your current content strategy, run an audit and see how to attract more traffic.

Another major advantage of Rank Math over other SEO plugins is superb support and regular updates.

According to WordPress.org, the developers have resolved the vast majority of issues submitted by users.

Not surprisingly, the plugin has an average rating of 4.9 stars.

Would you like to see how Rank SEO compares to other plugins?

Rank Math vs Yoast SEO vs All In One SEO – Which Is Best Free WordPress SEO Plugin?

Rate My Post – WP Rating System

Why you should use it: identify the most popular posts on your website based on real visitor feedback.

How would you evaluate this plugin collection? Do you think you’ll try some of them? Well, if yes, you should definitely let us know!

For any content creator, the feedback from readers is immensely important.

While stats like views and reads can be found elsewhere, they’re just one way of showing if an article was really interesting for people.

That’s why many blogs have rating sections below articles. They come in the form of emojis or stars which the readers can click on to rate a post.

Rate My Post is one of the best free plugins in the game. It adds rating functionality to your website so people could send you feedback after reading.

Thanks to Rate My Post, each article will have a small section below the last paragraph with the rating scale. The section is customizable and doesn’t require any coding on your side. Here’s why it’s so important for your content strategy:

  • Content topic selection. By letting you identify the most engaging posts, the plugin helps with choosing the best topics
  • More useful data about readers. The plugin provides detailed information about each user who rated your content, including time spent on the page, username, timezone, etc.
  • Promote your best content. Display the high rating before the content to encourage reading.

To customize the rating section and make it look more natural, you can choose stars, trophies, smileys, hearts, and thumbs.

To help readers share the articles they love, consider adding a plugin for sharing on social media. Easy Social Share buttons for WordPress Review

Bonus Plugin: Cognitive Content Analyzer

Why you should use it: create more positive and engaging content thanks to tone and emotion analysis.

Did you know that emotional headlines increase social media shares? Using emotional phrases like “Tears of joy,” “Is too cute,” “Shocked to see,” and “Can’t stop laughing” are a proven way to improve audience engagement. To adjust your writing style to improve content performance, though, you need something to analyze the tone and sentiment of your content.

Enter Cognitive Content Analyzer.

This free plugin conducts a deep text analysis to identify the tone, explore emotions, and generate a sentiment report.

The report contains the emotions found in the content. If you need to write in a positive tone, it can give you hints about how to achieve this goal.

Cognitive Content Analyzer also extracts keywords to help you discover those you didn’t discover earlier. This feature helps to improve content keyword optimization without using paid premium tools for WordPress.

What Now?

WordPress plugins are a must to optimize content and outperform your competition.

To save you tons of time searching in the WordPress plugin directory, I’ve compiled this list of seven good ones for you. Hopefully, they’ll help you to make your content strategy better.

It’s over to you now, content is not going to optimize itself!

4/5 - (27 votes)

  1. Hi there,
    Please let me know: What plugin you use to generate Table of Content for this post!
    Thank you very much!

  2. Hi there,
    The last plugin you recommend ( Bonus Plugin: Cognitive Content Analyzer ) is not updated for the last 3 months and when I installed it my website has stopped working so I have to delete it manually from the c-panel. Is there any alternative?

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